24- real life

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Emma wakes up to a ringing bell. She sits up, looking around and can't find Cole anywhere. The doorbell keeps ringing, and she gets up.

-I'm coming-she shouts, grabbing her robe and running through the house till she got to the door. She openes it, surprised to see a mailman holding a buque of roses.

-Emma Love?- the guy asks

-Yeah, that's me- she says, getting a hold of the flowers.

-Can you sign in here please?- he asks handing her a piece of paper and a pen.

-Yeah, sure-she says placing the flowers at the table next to her and signing her name.

-Thank you- the guy says with a smile.

-Have a nice day- she smiles and closes the door. She gets her roses and takes it to her room, resting it in her bed. A little note falls from the roses and caught her eyes. The handwritting was beautiful and small. She smiled recognising it by the blue stain on the edge of it. Cole always finds a way to do that.

"I'm where you can see the stars.
ps:I'm in your house"

-What a weirdo...- she says, thinking about it. In her house? Where the hell can she see the stars. She looks over at the red roses. There must be a hundred, or more. Cole's just insane like that.

-Of course...- she says smiling when she finds out-The roof. But how did he know about it?

When Emma went to buy a house she wasn't really into it. That was untill she found that one, with that roof. When she went to visit, the owner asked for her to go at night. At the beginning she didn't really understand, but then she saw it. On the living room there was a stair. And that stair leds to the roof. It is amazing. There was a little garden there, with some chairs and a beautiful table. There where lamps around it, and she would light them up at night, looking at the sky. She wasn't sure what she was going to find, but she was excited about it. When she finally riches the top she looks around, seeing cole's back at the edge of the roof.

-Cole?- she calls up, walking towards him. He turns around, a single blue rose in his hand. She stops, looking at him intensely.

- This is you- he says, raising the rose-Did you know that? This single rose, whose different from all the other. Who catches our eyes. This is you. You caught me.

There was a minute of silence. Her heart was beating fast. Cole taked a deep breath and continues.

-I like you-he says- Good, I really like you. And i can think of another way to say this. Will you be my girlfriend?

Emma's mouth hangs open.  Cole was looking at her with expectations in his eyes, waiting for her awnser.

-Oh my god-she smiles-Do you even have to ask? Yes, of course I would say yes.

-You would?-he says relieved.

-Of course I would- she steps closer, giving him a peck on the lips. He smiles and hand her the blue rose.

- Well, I'm out of words- he says-But you know, actions speak louder than words.

-Yeah, I heard that-she says and they kiss one more time.

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