The Letter

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This is a short story that I wrote for class, so it was already written a while back, but really wanted to share here, so I hope you enjoy. All characters a fictional, any sort of connection or what so ever is purely out of luck. Hope you guys liked it, comment and vote :)

The Letter 

I stared at the letter which read “To Dan”; I already knew who it was from. Scarlet, my best friend and the only woman I had ever loved. But before she could even develop those feeling for me, she had met Tom. Sometimes I felt it was for the best, I mean even when we were friends, I had been vague about myself with her. Scarlet was never one to pry, but God, was she stubborn. She demanded I’d tell her who I was and not the stupid things like “My name is Daniel Hans....” she wanted the real stuff. Because Scarlet was real, she was everything the world had to offer in the most pure form.

 My hands shook as I opened it, careful not to tare outside the line. I was trying my damn hardest to not even get too excited because I would only be left heartbroken.  She was always sending letters, ever since I moved as far as possible from the all too happy couple. I never replied, scared that I would be left with those feelings again; but that’s how love worked, some got left behind. My heartbeat picked up a notch, it always happened when I saw a letter from her. I could see the top part of her neat, cursive writing. The writing she spent an entire year trying to perfect because Matthew Gomez told her it looks like his baby brother wrote it with mud in fourth grade. I always believed it was perfect.

Dear Dan,

                I miss you, let’s start with that. Why did you leave me? Was it because I had finally become annoying? A simple “Shut up Scar” couldn’t be put in order? I’m sorry if I did anything at all to hurt you. Daniel, I need to see you one last time before I let you go, I need to tell you things I now wish I had. I was going to tell you before you left of the day of the engagement. Things about Tom and me, things you should’ve known. But isn’t this how life works? Mistakes and Regrets? Daniel, or should I say Dan, isn’t that what you go by now? Funny how things change, not only did you shorten your name but you shortened the people in your life too. I hope to see you Dan soon, Rochester is never too far from Alaska.

Much Love,

                Your Scar

 No, I was not going to visit her, no matter what it was she wanted to tell me.  My mind couldn’t help but wonder though, what could it be that Scarlet wanted to say.  Scarlet never asked for anything, so it had to something she wanted with great needs. Out of blind curiosity I called her, that is, after four excruciating hours of fighting with my heart.

The phone rang twice before someone picked up. “Hello.” My voice hitched, remembering that Scarlet was a married women now. “Hey, it’s u-um Dan, Daniel Hans.” There was a short, deadly silence. “She’s not here anymore.” He spoke icily, so she had left him. But for who? Who else had been swoon by Scarlet’s kind heart? “Oh I’m sorry, I always liked you. But sometimes these things happen, sometimes two people are not meant to be.” I wasn’t going to tell him that I was pleased, that maybe Scarlet would be able to be mine for once. A sigh came from the other end. “She – she didn’t leave me-” He snapped, maybe I should’ve kept my words to myself. “She’s dead. Scarlet….Scarlet had cancer. She died two days ago.” Everything went silent. I wanted to punch him for saying it so calmly, as if it was a mere side effect of life and death.

I dropped the phone and grabbed the envelope. It read “June 19th, 2012.” Two days ago, Scarlet had known she would die. She knew what was going to happen and she didn’t think it was important to tell me ahead? She didn’t try contacting me before? I wanted to be mad at her so badly, to hate her instead of love her, but I just couldn’t. Scarlet was the first love of my life, and the only.  That’s the funny part of love; it breaks your soft, innocent, unscarred heart into small delicate pieces that only one person can fix. You’ll never find anyone else who can, and that’s what leaves so many broken. Because maybe they fix yours but can you fix theirs’?

 I looked at the envelope again, there was a small note attached, it was a sheet from the old “Lillo and Stitch” notebook we shared for note passing. It was sacred for us, the paper was only used when something important was needed to be said but our mouths were too weak to say it.  I read the slip of paper out loud.

 I love you.

A tear slipped through my eye. I love you too Scar, I thought and smiled. I love you too…. 

It was funny how life worked; we spend our whole life thinking of what we want, of who we are, of what we do, never to wonder if others shared the similar thought. We set ourselves on the deaths of our young hearts while we are well alive but the sad part was, we asked for it. We yearned to feel the pain of heart break because that’s what made us feel ourselves, happiness was too fake and hate was too hard. Pain was so damn easy, having a horrid partnership with time on the deal to torture us.

I had lost Scarlet before I even got her, because I was scared and afraid but I wasn’t going to let that sink me down any further. I wanted to breathe again, to feel the invisible air fill my lungs with pollutions in the city of skyscrapers. Nostalgia took over me, making me want to feel the emotions I did when I was with Scarlet and I wasn’t afraid to say I let it win. I wanted to be Scar’s Daniel again because now I knew she loved me, not Tom. Me. A bitter smugness ran through my veins, filling my brain with a high, purely made out of love. I could go on knowing this, I could live with it. Knowing she died calling my name, but crying because I couldn’t retrieve it.

Scarlet and Daniel. Daniel and Scarlet; the two great star-crossed lovers that never got to love. Some loves just never die. 

Author's note

Hope you all liked reading that, it's way longer on word but whatever, minor details. Remember to vote and comment, because why not? The story's a little on the sad side, but aren't those the best stories? Ha-ha, anyways, hope that all of you are happy wherever you are, doing whatever you are. 

Hugs and kisses,

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