A Fight

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Mr. Sabah Nur did not seem worried at all, watching calmly as Cain approached him. Kurt Marko's lifeless body was still lying on the floor.

"This is going to be bad..." Warren whispered and Charles noticed how his right hand swiftly slipped towards the serum while his left grabbed a new syringe.

"Warren...?" Charles looked at him concerned, not sure what the other man was about to do.

"Shhh" Warren gave Charles a sign to keep quiet and retrieved the two objects, putting them safely inside the pocket of his lab coat.

Charles had no time to think about it though because his attention was pulled back to Cain and his father's murderer.

"You killed my father!" Cain said for a third time and En Sabah Nur had to roll his eyes at the words.

"Your father was ignorant." Mr. Sabah Nur replied. "Unfortunately, he did not understand the new era that we just started. But you understand that, don't you, Cain? You're special. Look at yourself, you're so special."

"My father said I was a freak..."

"And that's why your father had to die. He was wrong." En Sabah Nur explained calmly. The ease in which he spoke of the man he'd just intently killed was unbelievable. "We are creating a new future!" he continued with pathos in his voice. "The world belongs to the strong, Cain. It shall belong to us!"

"This is insane! What are you planning to do with my serum!?" Charles was unable to keep quiet any longer. He took a step forward, clenching his fists.

En Sabah Nur gave him a condescending glance. "This does not concern you, scientist. You did your part already."

"Oh, is that so?" Charles felt the adrenaline rushing through his veins. He really had enough of all this bullshit. "I think it concerns me alright. I think it concerns me a lot. Especially since I created this serum!"

This finally got the tall man's full attention. En Sabah Nur arched an eyebrow at Charles. "You did, yes. And I am glad you did. As a reward I will allow you to inject yourself with it too."

Charles furrowed his brow. His hands were still clenched in fists. "I don't need the serum for that." he admitted. "And I demand to know what you intend to do with it!"

Charles had always been so obsessed with perfecting the serum for Raven, to enhance her abilities to fight her coma, that he had completely neglected what En Sabah Nur or Kurt Marko would use it for. How could he have been as blind as to assume they were simply interested in the medical and scientific use of the serum. He could clearly see the CEO of Apocalypse Inc. was planning on using Charles' serum as some kind of an insane weapon!

"What are you planning on doing with my serum?" Charles demanded once again, firmly.

A small smile played on En Sabah Nur's face as he replied. "I plan to create a new, better world. With only a few chosen evolved people to inhabit it. Cain being the first one of this new better species. I shall be second very soon. You could join us too since you've created this serum."

"And what about everyone else on this planet? Do you plan to just wipe them out!?" Charles asked, shaking with rage.

"They simply won't survive this changed world. We are superior, stronger and more powerful. This world belongs to us! Isn't that so, my boy?" he turned towards Cain again. For Charles' great surprise Cain was actually listening to En Sabah Nur.

""Do you even hear yourself!?" Charles gasped enraged, unable to hold it in anymore. "This is not a creation of a new species! Cain is not a new species, he's still human! My serum unlocks hidden potential inside the human DNA, talents we had but never knew about, powers we could have but never developed. It's supposed to open up our minds and give us opportunities to do things we never imagined we could. It does not create anything that isn't already there, locked in our DNA, waiting to emerge. You've created nothing and you understand nothing! You want to destroy a world and bring about some kind of crazy apocalypse which only you and a selected few would survive. But this is not only insane and morally wrong, it's also delusional and plain stupid! I am not taking any part in this! You can take this as my resignation. And without me you have no right to use my serum. That's my message to you."

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