A Meeting

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Charles was late. He was so so very late. He was running through the park, taking the shortcut, hoping he could still get there in time for the meeting.

Suddenly he realized he was no longer running alone. A tall guy, dressed in gym clothes was jogging right next to him, looking at him. It was weird. Charles frowned at him a few times, utterly confused.

"What are you doing?" the man asked with a toothy grin.

Charles was initially taken aback by a stranger asking him questions in the middle of his running -- can't the man see Charles was busy? -- but then his pride didn't let him admit that he was ridiculously late for a very important event so instead he shrugged.

"Jogging." he replied, not stopping.

"In your coat?" the man arched an eyebrow. Stubborn! He was probably on to Charles and his stupid tardiness and wanted to show him he saw right through him.

"I'm still new at it." Charles lied. Two can play that game!

"A beginner." The man seemed to find this even more amusing.

He kept that same sharky look on his face -- he was smiling but it was definitely not a proper smile! -- and was still jogging in pace with Charles. As if they were buddies or something, jogging together. This whole situation was becoming too ridiculous for Charles.

"Do you mind?" he exclaimed, hinting that now would be a good time for the stranger to leave.

"Oh, I don't mind at all!" the man replied conversationally. "I think jogging is very healthy and more people should do it. Especially in this park." he said, completely missing Charles' subtle hint.

Charles gaped at him. Was he for real?

Charles was already panting from all the running but shark-guy was not even slightly out of breath. He was was obviously in great shape physically, Charles noted to himself, letting his eyes slide down the lean body for a moment before he looked up again, pointedly, at the man.

The man chuckled amused."Well, maybe not in this park though. I encourage people to get some fresh air and excersize but I wouldn't like if they suddenly flooded my peaceful park with their presence."

" Your park." Charles almost rolled his eyes, desperately trying not to let any signs of amusement slip through his voice. That guy did not need any more encouragement to continue this conversation!

"Yeah. My park." the man nodded.

The way he said it, the expression on his face, this time Charles couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him at that remark.

"What? I like to come here and relax. To escape the pressure of everyday life." the man continued, looking ahead of himself and admiring the beautiful trees around them. "It gives me peace."

"That's sweet." Charles heard himself say.

"I agree, you are." the man said, eyes back on Charles again and before Charles could process the words, the man was introducing himself -- extending his right hand to Charles right there and then while the two were jogging! What even was that!? "I'm Erik."

Before he knew it, Charles was shaking the man's hand in return. "Charles."

"Lovely name. And so rare." Erik said and it took Charles a moment to realize he was being teased.

"Um. Unlike Erik!" Charles said with an eye roll.

The man sighed. "People keep asking me how to spell it."

Charles chuckled again.

"Not kidding. It's spelled with a k, they keep spelling it with a c. Don't spell my name with a c, Charles." Erik said with mock-seriousness.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Charles assured him. Charles could promise that with a clear conscious because obviously he wouldn't write the name wrong since he would never even need to spell Erik's name at all. He was probably never going to see the man again.

For a moment there was a strange heaviness in Charles' chest at the thought. Jogging here with Erik had indeed been relaxing. As Erik had said, a way to escape stress and anxiety and replace them with peace and serenity instead. Charles hadn't even known he needed it.

They ran together a bit longer and then finally Charles reached the alley in the park that was going to take him to the main road he needed.

"Um, this is me." Charles said, slowing down and jerking his hand towards the alley. Was Erik going to follow him there too?

"Oh. Well, it was fun jogging with you." Erik said with a softer smile. Then he quickly added "I jog here every day. Around this same time. It's like a ritual of sorts to me."

Charles nodded. "That's nice."

"Yeah." Erik nodded again, his grinning growing slightly again. "Yeah, it was. It was great talking to you while jogging. Relaxing."

Charles frowned, amused. "Thought you hated your park getting crowded."

"One Charles is hardly a crowd." Erik chuckled and waved Charles goodbye.

For a few moments Charles stood there, watching Erik jog away -- it was kind of a nice view from behind. Come to think of it, it was a nice view from the front too, Charles was too nervous about his meeting previously to consciously notice. But now, feeling much calmer and at peace, he could definitely notice... things .

Erik was going to be here again tomorrow, for his usual jog. He had told Charles so. Was he inviting Charles to join him again? Were they going to take up jogging together as a hobby? Did Erik want to see Charles again? Was he--

A barking dog nearby pulled Charles out of his stupor and Charles remembered to move and run again, this time towards the road. He was smiling now. Maybe him being late wasn't as bad as he thought. Maybe he might pick up jogging after all. Maybe he'd see Erik here again tomorrow. And maybe they'd jog together for a long time in their lives.

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