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I woke up with something touching nose.  Something tapping it, something pissing me off.  I opened my eyes ready to yell at the fucker that dare disturb my sleep and yell I did.  Screamed more like it.  Chester was staring me straight in my eyes and had been tapping my nose with its grubby little hands.  I screeched and shot over backwards on Nath who then woke up and joined me on the floor. 

"Well that was one hell of a wake up."

I pushed him forward and he got the hint.  Peaking over the bed, he grunted out an all clear.  I got up slowly, not completely trusting this sneaky creature that kept touching me in my sleep.  The floor was cold and had only reminded me of my current state of undress.  Nath had walked over to his own clothes and was beginning to dress blindly, keeping his eyes on my moving body.  Even with my back to him, I could feel his eyes heat over my skin.  After pulling my shirt over my head, I broke his concentration on my body.

"So whats the plan?"

"For what?"

I knew he knew what I was talking about, but I took the bait anyway.  "To get out of here.  You know, your dead battery and my no keys?"

"I'll text my sister, she should be able to swing by and get the keys from your dad and drop them off here.  Then I can jump my truck and we can both go to the hotel."

"Why couldn't you text her last night? Or that nephew of yours?"  This was starting to seem a little suspicious.  I didn't think about it last night, I had been so flustered with him being near me.

"Then I wouldn't have had an excuse to hang out with you alone."

The look I gave him could ignite ice in Antarctica.  I was beyond pissed.  "So I had to sleep, in the heat, in this shit hole. Get woke up by Chester. Cant take a shower.  All so you can spend time with me alone?"

His cocky grin only pissed me off more and before I could lay into him with my white knuckled fists, I walked out of the room and headed down stairs.  But not before he called out. "I didn't hear you complain last night when I was making you moan."

I headed for the kitchen and gripped the sink.  This had to stop,  What he was doing to me had to stop.  I didn't even know why I let him do those things to me.  I didn't invite him to do those things.  I didn't say no either.  I had no one to blame but myself in this, and I needed to take control.  I looked up and caught his reflection in the glass of the window and whipped around.

"No more."  My hand flew wildly.  "I don't want you to touch me anymore.  I shouldn't have let you the first time, and the second was more than a mistake on my part."  I pushed my hands into my face, feeling the tension there then shook them in the air at him.  "I don't know what you think you know about me, but I'm not that same little girl you used to play with when you were younger.  I don't even remember you.  What 14 year old would hang out with a 6 year old anyway."

I looked at his face, finally seeing more than red.  He was slightly shocked by my outburst and right then I realized how awkward I just made everything.  He was going to be around the house for a while, helping us out and I basically just made a fool out of him.  I had gotten what I sought out to do, but did it in the most hideous way possible.  I didn't want him to touch me, like he had been, but I didn't like the tension that was growing between us.  Before he could say anything in return, I sprinted out of the room.  It was a good time for my morning run any way.

When I got back, I realized another mistake I had made.  I had gotten all sweaty and couldn't take a shower, the need to run away overbearing my common sense.  Nath was gone, and my Dad's keys were set down on the table in the foyer.  I picked them up and headed out to his truck.  I really needed to get my own so I wouldn't have this problem.  Plus it would give me an escape from what I had done this morning.

I pulled up to the hotel and saw a few more vehicles outside than normal.  I didn't pay it no mind and walked to my Dad's room, my bag heavy on my shoulder.  David had text me their room number on my way over.  The door swung open with a very happy David gawking at me.

"Hey sis, you have fun last night staying at the new house?  I heard you got a new cuddle buddy."

All the color drained from my face.  My skin became ice and my heart beat in my chest like a prized fighter. 


David's face held a hint of concern.  "Jeez did the raccoon bite you too?"  He turned his head to Dad.  "I think we might have to check for rabies."

Relief flooded through me.  I don't know why I would think David would know about what Nath and I had done last night, or rather what Nath had done to me.  I shoved David out of the door and headed straight for the bathroom. 

I stayed in the shower as long as I could without being suspicious.  I washed of the layer of sweat from this morning, and the feeling of Nath from last night.  Thinking about what we did held little emotion from me.  I thought things like this were supposed to make you smile, make you glow.  I didn't feel ashamed or guilt like he had taken advantage of me either.  I don't know what I felt about him.  I don't know why he did the things he did to me either.  He could have taken my virginity and I would have let him last night.  I'm sure I would have, I hadn't said no to him yet. 
I continued to think about it, until I opened the door and was bombarded by my brother again.  He tossed me a set of keys, which I quickly caught.

"Got us some vehicles.  Good deals too."

I looked down at the keys in my hand then back up to my brother's grinning face.  That rat bastard.

"What did you get?"

I'm sure he heard the venom in my voice, because his grin grew into a full blown smile.  The one he used when he knew I was about to be pissed. 

"I got you that grey ford sitting out front, and that black beauty, that one's mine."

I dropped my bag to the ground and strode outside.  I remembered seeing extra vehicles this morning, but hadn't paid that much attention to what make and model.  Sitting a few spots down was his 'black beauty' a damn beat up Camaro.  I had specifically told him, no sports cars.  Sitting right next to it, was my grey ford.  It wasn't as old as his car, but it wasn't new either.  David was right behind me, watching my reaction.

"Dad called this morning and got insurance on both."

I inhaled deep and let the air out slowly.  What was done was done.  We both needed cars anyway.  If we left, we could sell them before hand.  But now I had no escape for the day.  I shoved the keys back in my pocket and walked pass David's disappointed face at my lack of blowing up. 

Dad had been on the phone the whole time and had just hung up when I walked in.

"The guy to check the wiring will be out today.  I talked to John and he said he can come by this afternoon if the electric gets approved and work on the water issue.  He can get his sister to watch the place for a few hours."

"Okay, I think I'm going into to town to get a few things we forgot to get yesterday, like bed sheets and toilet paper."
"Don't worry about it.  John gave us some left over from the hotel for now.  We can get stuff we like later.  I need you out there in case the wiring doesn't get approved."

I squeezed my eyes closed and opened them again focussing on my Dad.  I know he was only trying to help.  Only trying to get things taken care of before the start of the school year.  "Okay.  When are they coming out?"

"Didn't say, just said some time this morning.  You guys head out, and I'll meet you both out there."

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