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We only had a few weeks to make a decision about my Mom's house.  School would be starting soon for my little brother.  I had college, but that wasn't mandatory, especially after the life insurance came in from my Mom's death.  It wasn't a whole lot, but it was enough to float us for a few years.  It was kinda what I needed right now, time off to decide what exactly I wanted to do, what I wanted to major in.  I really hadn't been too sure, but thought I would have it figured out after two years of basics.  I'm the kind of person that isn't really good, or bad at anything, so I couldn't go off my strengths.  I also wasn't too interested in anything in particular.  Mom didn't really have high aspirations for either of us.  She didn't really make it pass my junior high before her and Dad split.  Something my Dad didn't really talk about, but after I found out Mom was in a mental hospital not even a year after that, I kinda figured as to why.  Dad didn't talk about that either.  David had begged to see Mom, like the little Mommy's boy he was, and Dad had given in, and took us to see her.  She wasn't in a padded room or anything, she was however in her own prison.  She didn't even remember us, didn't speak to any of us.  She just stared at my Dad until he went into the hallway, then she just stared at the wall while David cried, trying to pull her face to him. 

I felt bad for him on that day, he was young and didn't need that kind of torment.  I don't know why my Dad had thought it would be a good idea.  I'm not going to lie, it kind of hurt me too.  Her blank stare was the only thing I could think about on the drive to her old house.  Both David and my Dad stayed quiet in anticipation to see what we had gotten ourselves into.  I never would have guessed what would soon be ours.

A house on a slight hill, pealing paint, broken windows and a screen door that was only hanging on by a bottom hinge.  Dad stopped the truck in the gravel drive way that had long ago turned into a dirt path.  The grass had grown up to mid thigh.  The two story dwelling was more than I expected, and needed more work than I wanted.

David jumped out and almost sprinted up to the porch.  Dad and I were a little more reluctant, more apt into taking in the full view.

"It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would, but who knows about the inside.  No one has lived here in almost 10 years."

The creak of the truck door closing was followed by me wading through the grass to the door.  David had left it open and not soon later I heard a scream.  I ran into the house full force, rooms blurring until I made it into the kitchen.  David had his back flat against the wall, eyes ready to pop out.

"Giant, rat." he panted out and pointed to a cupboard.  I swiftly rolled my eyes and walked over to open the thing.  Right as my Dad walked in, the cupboard door opened on its own and a hissing sound struck my heart.  I slammed the door closed and walked backwards straight into Dad.  My Dad, who was now laughing at us, holding onto me so he wouldn't fall to the floor while his belly split. 

"It's just a raccoon.  Leave the door open and he will find his way out."  He walked over to open the door, but the animal was gone.  "Go look around and pick out some rooms.  This place isn't too bad so we might be staying tonight."

Great.  We were going to stay in an animal shelter.  I walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room.  This house was pretty big despite its gauntly appearance.  The bottom floor held a kitchen, dining room, foyer, study, living room, laundry room and office.  In the middle was a long hallway connecting the front to the back door and stairs to the second story.  I headed up the creaky stairs, only to have my foot go through the fourth step.  David was now right behind me snickering at me.

"Fatty fatty two by four, could even walk across the floor!"

I pulled my foot out, luckily I had caught myself with the banister or the pain would be a lot worse.  The jagged edges of the wood had scraped across my ankle and was now bleeding.  I rolled up my pant leg to check just how bad, while David took the steps two at a time and rushed upstairs.

My Mother's houseWhere stories live. Discover now