( author's note. )

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hello! i'm maddie, the author of this book, creator of amara, and bob morley lover.

i'm here to say a few things of thanks, to everyone who read this story, voted and commented, showed it love, supported it and me, and just in general everyone who stuck by and decided to click and read on my story.

writing this story was such a pleasure to me, i learned a lot from writing this fanfic, and i'm so glad i did. not only did it bring me to some great and fantastic new friends, but it gave me the confidence to explore with my writing and try something new. i've loved every moment of writing for amara, she's a character that i can definitely relate to, and i hope you guys can relate to as well.

amara jones has been my favourite character to write for so far. i've loved expanding her character and i've loved every bit of support you guys gave her. from the beginning, i wanted her to be this character that people could relate to and love, and i hope i achieved that.

some of you may not know, but i had republished this story into the story it is today. the first one was a lot different, where amara was a fan and not famous nor part of the show; shoutout to the people who were here for that version too!

this whole story has been so much fun to write from the beginning to the end. i'll remember this fic as the one that i'm most proud of, because i am, really. and that is because of the support and love i got from my readers, thank you guys so much.

i never wanted this story to end, to be honest. i'd like to think that amara's and bob's story will still go on, in my mind, it is. and i hope you'll all remember this story, and the characters and amara, because i know i will.

so, i just want to say again, thank you so much for everything to my readers, i would never be here if it wasn't for every single one of you. i love you all so much. thank you for reading amara's and bob's little story.

until we meet again,
gotta clarke. — maddie aka lukesyoutube

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