Escape - Chapter 5

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Running away from the fight is, admittedly, not one of my brightest ideas.

Though, it’s not like I can go back now since I’ve already started running.

The forest is dank and cold air chills my cheeks, I’m quite thankful for the jacket. The pace at which I’m going makes my hair whip behind me, probably tangling, but I don’t care right now.

Markus’ blood must be working right, because I barely feel the pain around my ribs and on my back. Or maybe that’s just the adrenaline?

I realize too late, of course, that I am barefoot.

But I would rather endure the pain of running in the forest barefoot than go back to the clearing.

The silence of the forest is comforting, there are no sounds aside from the ones I’m making. I ignore the sharp, stabbing pain on the soles of my foot, not daring to stop to even look at it.

The forest is ending, and I can see a dip, gapping to another one. I look back to see if someone’s there, and become glad that I am alone. The downward slope comes faster than expected and I trip, rolling down until I hit cement.

“This is not healthy,” I mumble as I catch my breath, refusing to stand. My heart is pounding and I feel as if my legs are jelly. I can just imagine how flushed I must look right now.

I lay there for a few more moments, trying to regain more energy to keep running. I can feel twigs all around me, in my hair and poking my body.

There’s a car on the road – for that is apparently what the cement is –, getting closer and closer, I struggle to stand. My arms, however, aren’t in my command and they refuse to help me up.

The ugly, rusty red, two-seater pick up truck stops a few meters away from me and the headlights are surprisingly bright, considering the obvious age of the car.

Its owner, who I can only see as a silhouette, gets out.

I crawl away, hoping against hope that he or she would just go away and leave me so I can figure things out on my own without getting anyone in trouble – though that is highly unlikely.

“Are you alright?” The masculine voice says, moving towards me and I instinctively move away.

I’m somewhere I don’t know, very much exhausted, and there’s a man supposedly trying to help. Suddenly all these scary movies come to mind and I start to panic. He even comes with the truck!

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

Yeah, like I’d fall for that one.

“Do you need a ride?”

Sure, to where? To the middle of the woods where you’d stick me with a knife and do some creepy things to my dead or dying body?

“No, thanks,” I say as I get up, brushing twigs off my chest.

“Are you injured?” He says coming closer, probably peering at my bandages.

My eyes have adjusted to the light and I can partially see his features. I’m still breathing quickly and if I run now, I don’t think I’d make it very far.

He’s big, the NFL lineman kind of big.

I’d be done for if he gets his hands on me.

His tan skin is in the lighter shade, and he has a nice head full of brown, curly locks. I can’t see the color of his eyes, but I’m guessing them to be brown. He has a prominent chin and a wide set jaw. The features of his face are hard, his broad shoulder look to be very sturdy, and the muscles in his body look to be very strong.

Escape (Solaris Cane: Book One)Where stories live. Discover now