Chapter 19

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The strange thing about fall along the Gulf Coast was the flowers. Everywhere you looked impatiens and begonias were sporting happy blossoms. It was like spring all over again. Crepe myrtle trees were bursting with lavender, white, and all shades of pink. Encore azaleas were ablaze with color, and even the ubiquitous palms were showing the white blossoms at their hearts. And it was all shoved right up next to red, orange, and yellow nylon-leaf garlands and plastic jack-o-lanterns-things not found naturally in this area.

After three years here, I still missed fall in the Midwest. I missed it being frosty every morning by now and the cool sweater weather that made scary movies so much more fun to watch. I missed hot cider at apple orchards and low humidity. The only problem was that back home sweater weather soon turned into heavy coat weather, and it lasted months longer than everyone wished it would. And we never had blazing azaleas in the Midwest or miles of turquoise waters crashing on sugar-white sands.

The last two days had felt like two years with me trying not to think about Jack, trying to suppress my blazing cheeks the few times I did. He sent a few texts that remained unread, and his one call was sent to voicemail. I didn't want to read an apology if that was what he was offering, and I couldn't hear his voice. If he was saying anything else, it would only make it worse.

My thoughts were miles away when I heard the friendly voice calling my name. Only one voice was able to cut through it all. One person could make me forget that pain like a warm massage to the heart. I looked up and Julian was crossing the parking lot in the direction of my car. Black trousers, white oxford, shaggy dark head, as usual. Only today his left sleeve was rolled to the elbow above his cast.

"Wait up-I have something to show you," he called.

He appeared very much back to normal, cute as ever, and pulling a white bundle from his back pocket.

"Hey," I said as he got closer. "You're looking much better."

"Ribs have eased up a lot," he smiled and my shoulders relaxed. I leaned against the car, and he stood in front of me unrolling the paper.

I watched his progress curiously. "What is it?"

"This." He held it open, and I almost squealed. It was my ring! I forgot everything as my book bag slid to the ground

"Oh, look at it!" I cried softly. "It's so beautiful!"

It was shining silver with a tiny, rainbow-sparkling dragonfly across the center. I reached forward to touch it carefully.

"I wanted it to fit you," he watched my face as I studied it.

I lifted the delicate piece. "How did you make it sparkle?"

"Mom gave me a few crystal beads, and I ground them down and mixed them with the silver. I was just experimenting, but it paid off, I think."

My eyes went to his. "I love it."

He took my hand and slipped his unique creation on my right middle finger, seeming very pleased. A lump was in my throat.

"There you go," he said, still holding my hand.

"But don't you need it to show? Maybe you could just dedicate it to me like a book or something."

"I told you, I'll borrow it when I go for my interview," he said. "But it's yours. I want you to keep it."

I couldn't stop looking at my hand, tilting it in the light and watching the sparkles. Julian grinned watching me.

"I'm supposed to be at the paper office. Otherwise," I hesitated. "I don't know."

"Are you coming to the hay maze with everybody tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" I looked up at his face. His eyes flickered to my mouth and then up again.

"Go with me?"

Just then I remembered-and I knew why Jack had probably called me. I looked down, that weight back in my stomach. "I invited Jack to come along. I think he's picking me up."

Julian poked his lips out and nodded. "I get it."

"It's not like-"

"No worries. I'll see you there." He touched my chin with his finger. "Later. Oh, and have fun at the paper, cubby."

"Thanks, Julian." I watched him go, releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding. This tension was killing me. I needed to check my phone.

* * *

When I got home that night, Mom was in the kitchen stirring a pot of what looked like yellow soup. An oval baking dish sat on the counter, and inside were layers of vanilla wafers and bananas.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm trying to make a banana pudding," she frowned. "Nana sent me the recipe."

"Banana pudding? That's new. What's it for?"

"We're helping with the hay maze fundraiser, and they want to do a dessert auction. You get the release I sent over?"

"You sent that? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to bias your cute little newsy nose," Mom grinned. "Did you send it on?"

"I sure did. And I've got a group of friends going tomorrow for the thriller maze."

"It's going to be a hoot," she chuckled. "Rain Hawkins is getting a bunch of the coaches together. They've got a chainless chainsaw, fake blood. I think the Catman is supposed to make an appearance."

"Catman?" I frowned.

"Half-man, half-wildcat. Local legend."

"Hey, speaking of that, how old were you when Nana and Pop-pop moved to Indiana?"

"Huh? Oh, I was just finishing elementary school, I guess. Why?"

"We were digging through the archives at work. Nancy's working on the bicentennial insert, and she found some old pictures of Ms. LaSalle when she was a senior in high school."

"No kidding," Mom said, thinking. "We've got some of her old paintings in the hotel, you know. She should send a photographer over."

"Funny you said that. That's exactly what she wants to do. I'm supposed to find out when would be a good time."

"Any time. Tell her to call me, and we'll set something up."

"Did you know any of those guys before you left?"

"Alex LaSalle? I knew of her. There never have been that many full-time residents here. But we were all kids when I left."

"Did you know Jack's dad?"

"I doubt it," she said. "What's the sudden interest?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering." I poked her in the side. "Remember to answer the phone."

I thought about Mr. Kyser and Ms. LaSalle at the hospital. I wished I could remember what all they'd said to each other. They'd said they were just old friends, but it was obvious they had more of a connection. What did it mean? I was dying of curiosity, and it seemed like a harmless way to get my mind off boy troubles. Of course, I had no intention of ever doing anything with the information or telling anyone. I was simply following Gabi's advice and focusing on work. Doing a little off the record snooping-just for me.

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