Chapter 26: A Baby, A Breakdown and A Bad Omen

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The first thing Sherlock saw was a beige blur before John Watson practically crushed him into a hug before the doing the same to Molly, squeezing an “oof,” from the pathologist.

“What happened? Is she alright? It’s early, isn’t it?” Sherlock spoke quickly, betraying his worry to his friends.

Molly grasped his hand and rubbed her thumb along his in an attempt to soothe him. “It’s ok Sherlock, she’s term, the baby is considered developed by 37 weeks.”

“Did she just spontaneously go into labor?” he questioned the army doctor.

John nodded. “She was complaining all day of back pain. We thought it was caused by the trauma from the explosion last night so she stayed in bed all day. I guess, in a way it was because when we finally realized it was labor and came here, they said that all the stress of yesterday probably triggered the early labor.”

If something goes wrong, this is all my fault.

“I’ve got to get back in there, or Mary will kill me.” John said, starting to edge towards the doors.

“How is she?” Molly quickly asked, as John made his escape.

“In pain.” John turned and fairly ran back through the double doors.

Sherlock sank into a chair in the waiting room, intending to pull Molly down into his lap but she headed over to a coffee machine and proceeded to pour them both a cup, fixing his just how he liked it. It wasn’t very good, but the caffeine helped his nerves a bit, as did Molly’s presence beside him and her fingers in his hair.


Finally, a couple hours later, John reappeared, a smile that could light up the city on his face. Molly had fallen asleep on Sherlock’s shoulder, and he put a finger to his lips as John came into view.

“How are they?” he whispered.

John collapsed into the chair next to Sherlock and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.

“They’re good. Both good. Mary had a bit of trouble but everything turned out fine and Amanda, oh Sherlock,” he paused, tears welling in his eyes, “Sherlock, Amanda is the most beautiful little girl in the world. She’s perfect, absolutely perfect.”

Forgetting Molly was asleep on the other side of Sherlock, John grabbed his best friend in a hug and hit Molly in the head, startling her awake. Sherlock shot him an evil glare and soothed an alarmed Molly.

“Shh, shh, it’s ok. John just punched you in the head by accident. I’ll kill for you later. It’s ok.”

Molly rubbed her face, sleepily smiling at Sherlock, then John.

“Oh, baby? Is baby here?”

Sherlock and John nodded simultaneously.

“She’s here, Molly. She and Mary are both fine. Do you want to come see them?”

Molly nodded, grinning excitedly. “Oh yes, please!”

The three stood and Sherlock put his hand on the small of his girlfriend’s back as John led them down the halls to Mary’s room. He poked his head in first to make sure his wife was decent and then motioned for the other two to enter.

Mary was radiant, even through the exhaustion that was apparent on her face. In her arms, she held a tiny infant. Sherlock hesitated but Molly immediately went to the bedside and began cooing over little Amanda.

John clapped Sherlock on the shoulder and leaned to whisper in his ear, “Molly is gonna be a great mom one day.”

Sherlock raised a startled brow at John, his eyes darting back and forth between his girlfriend and the baby who was now in her arms. Abruptly, he turned and walked out of the room.

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