Chapter 1: But You Don't Even Know Me...

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Enjoy 😁......
"Yes ma. I know that" I said buttoning up my dress. My mother was always calling me about coming to church. Now don't get me wrong. I had faith in God but why did I have to sit in a building for hours upon hours just to someone talk when I could watch it on TV or Facebook. Nope. Church was not my thing. I was raised in the church ever since I could remember but soon as I got old enough to decide whether I was gonna get up and go every Sunday morning appose to going to brunch at my favorite hotel. It was a no brainer to me. Besides I was a grown ass women who worked hard Monday through Friday so I had the right to unwind and relax on the weekend. I wasn't hurting anybody.
"Ma seriously. I understood. I don't wanna talk about this" I said rolling my eyes. My father was a preacher and my mother always threw that card in about how much it hurt him to have 1,000 members and not was his only daughter. Let alone their only child.
"Andrea you know we love you and only want the best baby. I'm not pressuring you to do anything you don't want to but I wish you let God use your life precious. Don't keep running" she said as I wanted to choke myself. As much I loved her I had places to go and she was killin my mood.
"I'm not running ma. You know work keeps me busy. Look I'll come next week. " I said as I heading to the bathroom. I hated lying to her.
"Alright. I love you so much baby" she said as I smiled. Believe it or not I was madly in love with my mother because no matter what she always had my back. Nothing I could ever do made her not love me. She was my first best friend.
"And I love you more beautiful" I said as she laughed. "Now go for your late for church. You how daddy gets when your talking to me when your supposed to be getting ready" I said to my mom.
"Next week" she said before I ended the call.
"Next week gorgeous" I said looking in the mirror. The call ended as I just stood there for a second. I stared at myself for a second just thinking.
"Dre get it together" I said blocking out what my mother told me about running from God. I knew for a fact I wasn't. I prayed. Here and there. Okay sometimes but God could hear me. I was just fine.
"Alright. Phone. Check. Purse. Check. Keys" I said stepping in my heels. Brunch was calling my name...........
"Dre what the hell. I've been waiting for like 20 minutes" Now my best friend Stacy was always on my ass about being late. To brunch and to work. We both worked at a hotel as managers for 8 years. Although it wasn't always easy having her there made it that much more enjoyable for me. Sometimes prole were so rude and disrespectful to you just because you were behind a desk. It bothered me at first but with time I had to let it roll off my back like water. And hey it paid good money so I couldn't complain.
"20 minutes Stacy. You act like it's been an hour" I said sitting down as she sipped on her cranberry juice. She knew me so I don't know why she was tripping. "And for your information, my mother held me up on the phone" I said as she gave me this look.
"Stacy don't even go there" I said knowing just what she was gonna say.
"Imma say it anyway. Stop lying to her and go. That's not right" she said as I rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh and I go to brunch every Sunday by myself huh. If I need to go so do you." I said eating throwing it on her.
"Sweethearts my mother is not calling me every week begging me to come to church. Yours is. And what's crazy is that your father is the pastor. You triflin" she said laughing to herself.
"So what. I'm not embedded to that place just because he chose to do that. I don't see why everybody thinks that" I hated the stigma of being "the preachers daughter".
"Okay I'll back off. But just think about it" she said as that went on one ear and out the other.
"Anyway, you didn't tell me about that date you went on Friday. I want details" I said getting down to what I really enjoyed. Minding her business.
"What date? Girl it was over soon as it got started. First of all his shirt already had stains on it before we even started eating. And Dre he spoke about himself the entire time. I couldn't get a word in." I cracked up hearing her disaster of a date.
"But he was so attractive" I said flipping my black hair down my back.
"That don't mean nothing." She said as I second that.
"I hear you. Better luck next time" I said as she looked at me. Here she goes.....
"Now when are you going to give someone a chance. You know Brandon that works in the restaurant is crazy about you" she said as I screwed my face up.
"Fry cook Brandon" I said as she chuckled.
"Dre stop. You always making excuses. What's so wrong with him?" She asked as I got my fingers ready to count.
"For starters he still takes the bus. Stacy he's a grown ass man. And member that time You had to pay for his lunch because supposedly he listed his wallet. Girl no I'll pass. I don't want no little ass boy. I like my men full grown" I said as she raised her eyebrow
"Well from that imprint in his pants I see sometimes he's definitely full grown" she said as we cracked up. 
"I'll let someone else enjoy that. Besides I don't even feel like being in a relationship. I've been single for 3 years. I don't even remember how to be a girlfriend." I had a huge fear of being with a man. I've had failed relationships but ever since I was 24 I lost complete hope in men.
"You missing out but okay" she said as I looked down at my plate. Dating life just wasn't for me........
"Ms. Simmons" I heard on the computer at the front desk. It was Monday and time for work.
"Yes sweetie" I said to one of the girls who walked the front.
"Do you mind if I step away for a minute to take a phone call. I just have to check on my daughter" Victoria was one of our best employees. She was young but worked hard like she had no other option. She recently gave birth to a baby girl who was adorable.
"Of course. I shouldn't even be talking to you since you haven't brought my baby back up here to see me but I'll live" I said smiling at her. Just because the customers gave me problems from time to time didn't mean I didn't enjoy the people I worked with.
"I promise she'll come on the weekend Ms. Simmons" she said walking away. Everyone on staff respected Stacy and I which made our jobs much easier.
"Dre come here" Stacy said waving me over by the bar area.
"What" I said making my way over to her. She always had an ear full for me.
"Did you see Brandon today" she said as I blew my breath. I wish she gave this whole thing a rest.
"Why would I be looking for him" I said not caring cleaning my newly fresh manicured  nails.
"You didn't look at your calendar? It's his birthday" she said as I gave her a sarcastic face.
"Well good for him" I said as she shook her head.
"Girl I swear you going to hell. At least tell him happy birthday" she pushed
"For the last time. I don't care. He's broke. Not my type and works in a kitchen. Brandon  is not for me" I said as her face had this mortified expression. I felt someone behind me as I came face to face with none other than Mr. Brandon. Just great.
"Hey" Stacy said smiling painfully.
"I was just coming over here to see if yall wanted some of the cake I had for my birthday to share with everybody today but I see I came over here at the wrong time" he said as I felt so bad. He always went out his way to ask did I want anything from the kitchen. He even went out his way to make things that weren't even on the menu.
"Brandon I'm so sor-" I said attempting to apologize.
"Nah. Its all good. If I knew you felt like that about me I wouldn't even come around you. I think your beautiful and wanted to just be a gentleman but I'm not even worth that. So I'll respect your space Ms. Simmons. No problem" he said with so much grace walking off. I felt so low. Lower than low. I mean I was so embarrassed.
" God! Stacy why didn't you stop me" I said covering my face.
"I couldn't. Dre that was fucked up. His face look so blown" she said just as shocked as I was. I still couldn't believe he heard all that. I can't imagine how he felt. I was so caught up on myself I didn't even not once stop and think on how my words impacted him whether he heard me or not. It was still wrong. And where did I get off talking negatively about him?
"I'll be back" I said walking out to Stacy. I really needed to take a walk.
I pulled up to my parents house reaching in my purse for the key. I really needed to talk to mother. She always knew what to say when I got myself in difficult situations. It's been 3 days and I still felt horrible.
"Ma" I said walking in the house. I pulled my the key out of my childhood home as I saw my father in his chair watching the news.
"Oh...good evening" I said getting tense.
"Andrea. I didn't know you was coming over." He said as I held my bag.
"I wanted to talk to mom so I stopped by" I said as he stood up.
"Well aren't you gonna give me a hug" he said as I put on fake smile.
"Yes sir" I said as we hugged. It was always awkward between us.
"Your mothers in the kitchen as usual" he said with his commanding voice. I nodded excusing myself to go find her.
"Great is your mercy towards me, your love and kindness towards me, Your tender mercies I see, day after day" My mother sang as I stood by the door. Ever since I was little my mother would sing to me. She had the voice of an angel and I loved when she sang. Joy was my mother's real name but anyone who knew her called her ma. Before my mother met my father and gave her life to God, she used to a heavy crack addict for years. She fell victim to that vicious habit because an old boyfriend she use to date. Rick was his name I believe. The thing I loved about my mother was that no matter how vale her past was she never lied to anyone including me to make herself look perfect. Her motto was if I lie about my past I'm dismissing everything that God has done for me to get me to where I am in the present. Even though she got clean before I was born I appreciated how she never kept her past a secret from me. She taught me that nobody was perfect and if God delivered her from hell he was able to do anything but fail.
"Pretty lady" I said softly seeing her ice her famous sour cream pound cake. Her hands were blessed in the kitchen and I couldn't understand for the life of me why that gene skipped me but she always made sure I was well fed.
"I know that's not my precious angel" she said as I blushed. My mother had the kindest heart and always treated me like gold. I always said her insides matched her outsides because she was gorgeous. She had the curliest sandy brown hair. Piercing green eyes and caramel skin that was perfectly kissed by the sun. Everyone said we were twins and I took that as a compliment.
"Yes. Your one and only precious angel" I said walking over to her kissing her cheek over and over. I loved me some her.
"You smelled me making your favorite cake huh" she said turning around kissing and hugging me. We were very affectionate.
"No I missed you" I said as she blushed.
"Plus I need to talk to you" I said as she nodded.
"Does this conversation need a big piece or a small piece" she said as I took my jacket off heading to the refrigerator grabbing the strawberries. It was always fresh picked strawberries in her fridge.
"Medium" I said as she cut 2 slices for us. We walked to the den area by the patio taking a seat.
"Okay just tell me. Are you pregnant?" She asked as I almost choked.
"Ummm no miss" I said as she laughed. That was a silent relief for her.
"Ok ok. Got a boyfriend?" She asked as I gave her a look.
"Ma no. But it does involve a man" I said as she looked puzzled. "Let me just say it before you start thinking crazy things in your mind" I said giggling.
"I'm listening" she said all ears.
"So ma at work it's this guy who kinda has a crush on me. The other day he got really mad at me and I don't know what to do" I said purposely leaving out big spaces of the story.
"Why did he get mad at you?" She said as I looked down. "Andrea" she said lifting my chin.
"Well....I said something's that weren't very nice about him to Stacy and I didn't know he heard me. I feel so bad because I said he was broke and I didn't want anything to do with him because he worked in the kitchen" I admitted as she gave me the eye.
"Well excuse me princess show me where your pot of gold is cause last time I checked you worked just like him" she said checking me. Don't let the pretty face fool you my mother could serve you your ass on platter if she had too. "Andrea you know better than to judge someone. Period. Haven't I always told you everyone has a story and it's not the outside that tells it, it's the what?" She asked as I knew the rest.
"It's the inside" I said knowing where she was coming from.
"Exactly. A man has feelings just like you and you can't expect to say negative things about people and it never bite you later. Precious don't you know a woman's value is determined by what comes out of her mouth. A real man doesn't care how pretty your face is but how does your heart look. Nobody on this earth has room to judge the next person and baby you were wrong" she said as I nodded.
"I hear you. I've tired to apologize but he doesn't want to hear anything I have to say" I said as she laughed.
"And why would he. You tore down that mans character. Calling a man who works hard broke is so damaging to his ego. Do you know what he does with his money? Do you know if he has to support someone? Have you even asked him about his day just once?" She said as I sighed.
"No ma'am" I didn't even know what to say. I was raised better than that. This is exactly why I always came to her for advice.
"Now I know you have a pure heart baby but let others see that side. Don't let all Gods work go to waste" she said as I took it all in.
"Imma fix it ma. Imma fix it" I said as she grabbed my hand. I had to for my sanity.
"Fuck!" I said catching my breath. I just missed my bus literally walking out the door. I took a deep breath as I relaxed. Even though it was raining and I had a long day at the restaurant I wasn't even goin trip. Soon I would have saved up enough money to buy myself a car. Now I wasn't no bum and I always had a car since I was 17 but recently times hit my family hard. When I say family I mean my mother. She was all I had now. She raised me working day and night doing anything she could. Crossing guard, waitress, cashier, maid you name it. Ever since I was little she always made sure I was straight so when she hurt her back at work cleaning buildings I stepped in. She had to stop working and medical bills weren't cheap. After a couple months she couldn't keep up with her car payments and they ended up repossessing her car. I couldn't have my mother taking the bus or train to her doctor appointments or anywhere for that matter so I gave her my car and made the payments for her while saving to get a new one. She was my main priority and everything I did was for her.
"Finally" after a 45 minute wait my bus finally showed up. Packed of course but I wasn't goin trip. I stood up riding that 30 minute drive just to get on 3 more buses. My apartment was on the last stop but I took an extra bus so I could check on my mother. My ride was usually an hour but when I went to see her it was about 2.
"BJ is that you" I heard walking into her apartment soaking wet.
"Yeah ma." I took my shoes off walking in seeing her on her feet cooking.
"Ma what I tell you about being up for too long. It's not good for your back" I said washing my hands then taking the knife from her hand.
"I know BJ but I'm fine. I told you I'm a strong women" she said smiling. No matter how bad things were. She always had a smile on her face.
"I know you strong ma but you got me to take care of you" I said making her dinner. I was exhausted but I didn't rest until she was comfortable.
"I love you for that baby. But how's it going at the restaurant? I'm so proud of you for being the head chef" She asked as turned the oven on.
"It's cool. I be meeting some really nice people" I said cooking.
"Oh and how is that woman you like? I remember you told me about her" I cleared my throat not wanting to get into that.
"Good I guess" I said as she looked at me.
"Just good. I hope you got the courage to ask her out. I could use some grandkids" she said laughing. I had 2 brothers but they both got shot 2 years apart. My mother was devastated but them dying still haunted me terribly till this day. They got me on the right path and I lived everyday to make them proud. I was the only one left.
"I don't know about that ma. I'm not her type" I said making her chicken.
"Not her type. Not my baby. What is she blind?" Only my mother. She made me feel like the best thing moving out here.
"Ain't my looks" I said never doubting that. I was 6'3 brown skin tattoos all over with a smile to kill but I wasn't for everybody.
"Well what's the problem?" She was so inquisitive.
"She just don't think I'm financially stable and ain't feeling that I ride the bus. But it's cool" I didn't want to even go into detail about what she really said because I honestly wanted to forget about it myself. I was really feeling her but she was outta my league. 
"Oh" she said as I made her plate. "You know I don't need the car anymore. I'm home now so I can walk to the store. It's just up the street" she said as wasn't even hearing none of that.
"Ma that's your car. I'm straight. I'm not changing who I am for nobody. I gave it to you so you don't have to wait outside for no bus. It's all good" I meant that. She never had to stress about anything as long as I was alive.
"Bj I feel like I'm a burden on you. Every time I need something you have to give me what you worked hard for. You paying all my bills. I feel so bad" she said getting emotional.
"When I was younger you went hungry so we could eat. You never complained not once. All I'm doing is returning the favor ma. You deserve more than what I can do" I said wiping her tears. It wasn't about me. I needed to take care of her now. She did her job already.
"Your just like your father" she said as I got choked up. My father was the love of my mothers life until he got stabbed. I was 10 when it happened. He was pose to take me to play basketball after he got off work. He drove trucks and that day his truck got robbed and they stabbed him. I remember that like it was yesterday.
"I try ma. Now eat your food for it gets cold." I said giving her dinner. People could talk all they wanted to about me but nobody ever cared enough to ask what I was going through. It was hard growing up but I had to learn to be the man of the house when my father died. I ain't have no time to cry I just picked up where he left off. All I knew was work and take care of my mother by any means necessary. My father made sure we was always straight so I promised myself at 10 to be who my father was. I ain't want no parts of the streets. That fast money was tempting but I wasn't goin give my mother a heart attack if she lost another important man in her life to violence. We was all each other had.
"I be back tomorrow" I said finishing packing the dishes.
"Let me give you a ride home baby" she said getting up out her seat.
"Nah you rest ma. I'm fine" I kissed her forehead as I grabbed my coat.
"I love you" I said as she hugged me.
"I love you more" she said as I left. My bus time said it would arrive at 9:23. I looked at my clock and shook my head.
"9:04" I said sitting on the bench. I couldn't wait to get home and sleep. That's what I was looking forward too. My life was full of surprises but I had to handle everything I got thrown at. A real man could never stay down for long. I knew my come up was coming. I wasn't even bout to give up.........

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