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Chapter 2: Escape

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

- Helen Keller


I wake up with someone shaking me. I open my eyes to find a worried Liam.

"Harry, wake up! We have to leave right now!!! It's an emergency!" He screamed.

"What do you mean an emergency?" I question while standing up & stretching.

"Someone threatened to kill us.. They even sent a bomb that the police had to disarm!" Liam shouted while handing me my suit case.

"Holy shit, where are we going?" I ask totally freaked.

"They're sending us undercover to god knows where.. But we're leaving this place right now!" He runs and throws me some clothes & shoes.

While I change I ask him," What about our families & everybody else's girlfriend?" A sudden wave a worry takes over my body. Just the thought of Gemma or my mum worries the shit out of me.

"The police is putting them under surveillance! Now hurry!" He tells me as I finish & run out of the building to the black van that's taking us to an unknown place. You can see everyone was worried or in shock. No one spoke a word. No smiles. Nothing just absolute silence.

We all start to get out of the van once we arrive in front of a huge building probably 30 stories. We shoot each other some glances as we walk into the building with about 3 men in fancy suits guide us to a room with unknown people.

"Hello boys, we're sorry you've been placed in danger. We are trying our best to tract down who sent the bomb. Right now, we are going to send you guys undercover to a school in Southern California. So far, that's the best idea we have for you guys.. You will have new identities." The blonde guy rambles on. I'm going back to high school? Seriously? I must admit it wasn't the best experience I had.

"Now, not all of you will be students.. Louis & Niall will be the guys who work in the office of the school. Liam will be a gym coach. Zayn will be a lady of the front office & Harry will be a student. You guys will get a makeover tomorrow & go to the school on Monday since today is Saturday. Get your rest tonight. We will take you to a hotel with our agents by your side. Have a good day," we walked out of the office to walk into another room while our manager talked to the blonde man.

Zayn was the first one to speak up," This is no fair! I have to be a women while you guys actually get to be guys!"

Louis giggled," Haha! Harry too bad you have to go back to school!"

"I really don't care as long as I'm not a 'nerd' i am good!" I smiled. It's good that the mood lighten up a bit.

All the lads & I arrived at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. We decided to go to sleep since we will have a busy day. All I could dream about was this whole situation & Drew never left my thoughts.

I then wake up to see it's 8 am. Today is the day I get a new identity pure joy.. (Note sarcasm) I go to the restroom to freshen up a bit. I take a shower & fix my hair. I then grab some sweats & go to the the living room to find all the other lads packed up & ready.

"We have to leave now. They just called & they're ready for us," Niall explained as everyone including me grabbed our bags and walked into the hallway to find the agents. They gestured to another black van to go to an unreleased place. Just the thought of what will happen to us makes me a nervous wreck.

We finally arrive after an hour on the road to a mansion looking building. We are guided inside to find a bunch of agents running around. Then, we reach a room where make up artist & stylists are located. It had four white walls with those mirrors you would see in a Hollywood movie with light bulbs & the endless palettes of make up. Each one of us had different stylists.. Everyone else took a long time to get ready except me & Liam. With Liam they just dyed his hair a bleach blonde color and straitened it out. With me, on the other hand, I had my straightened, gelled, & combed over. I had geeky glasses with a complete different wardrobe. We all had different wardrobes.

After about almost 10 hours of getting ready & preparation, we were ready to go home. Well I wouldn't actually call it "home" just a temporary place where we have to live. All of us looked completely different & not ourselves. Once we arrived at a place that looked like a house guarded by agents & guards. It was supposed to be a 'Safe House'. We were all instructed to our rooms & given a lesson on how to act & not trust anyone. We were given information about who we are..

My Name: Marcel Styles

Age: 18

Description: A sweet shy boy with a very wise & smart personality. He has a perfect GPA.

Came from: Marcel Styles moved from Denver, Colorado & lives with his father Jonny.

Jonny was Louis, he's supposed to be my dad. We were going to go to a High school called Roosevelt Academy. It's supposed to be very exclusive & for very intelligent people. I just get anxious of the thought of going back to the hellhole known as high school. Maybe this time it'll be different.. But with my new identity I doubt it greatly.

I find out that the guys will be:

Niall: The guy who's in charge of all the mischievous kids. Like the ones who get in school suspension.

Zayn: One of the ladies of the front office.

Louis: My father & the guy guidance counselor.

Liam: Gym Coach.

We pretty much are strangers to ourselves. Once all the agents "left", me & the lads decided to cook dinner since we were starving.

Once we all sat down, I spoke up," Guys, I'm nervous about tomorrow. Like I feel like I'm going to screw up. It's just too much pressure."

"Harry, don't worry. You'll be fine.. Who knows maybe you'll find a lassie," Louis winked.

"Shut up! We aren't even allowed to talk to anyone from the 'Outside World' . It's like we're in a bubble that can't pop," I devour the last piece of the steak & gulp down some water as I zone out of the conversation. Why is that every single time I think of a girl, it always come down to Drew? Just her mesmerizing smile makes my stomach flutter with this amazing feeling.

I suddenly felt this drowsiness, I excused myself from the table & ran up to my room. I clicked on my playlist I made the other night & I went to sleep with the words:

'Those three words

Are said too much

They're not enough'

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