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Darcy's P.O.V

"To be honest, I'm not really sure if I really want to do this." I say as I step out of the fitting rooms. I walk over to the mirror, and turn around slowly, admiring myself. "It's a little out of my comfort zone, you know?" I ask.

"I understand, but don't you think you should do this for them?" Matt asks, coming up behind me. "He is your dad after all."

I sigh, "Yeah, but I don't know if I really want them to get married. I mean, of course I'm happy for him! He's found someone after almost twelve years. It's just sometimes I wish I could've gotten to meet my mom. And you know, do all those mother-daughter things." I turn around to face him and he nods.

"Well maybe Tracy will be the mother you never had. Just give her a chance." I sigh once again but agree. "Good. Now go try this one on." He hands me a purple dress off the rack, and I grab it before scurrying back into the dressing room.


"Dad! I'm home!" I yell, walking through the front door, kicking my shoes off in the process. He walks out of the kitchen and smiles.

"Darcy, Matthew, how did it go?" Matt walks up beside me and smiles.

"Good. We found one. It should go with the other bridesmaids dresses." Tracy walks into the room as I hand Matt the bag to hold as I unzip it carefully.

"It's gorgeous!" My soon to be step-mother exclaims, her hands rising to her cheeks. "It'll look amazing on you." She says, placing her hand on my shoulder delicately. I thank her and she walks back towards the kitchen with my father as Matt and I walk in the direction of my room.

When we arrive, I put the dress in my closet, then walk over to my bed and lay down.

"That was so exhausting!" Matt exclaims, falling down beside me. I laugh and agree.

"So are you still coming to the wedding with me? As my, 'Not-so-datish-date'?" I ask, laughing at the name he made up for it.

"Yes ma'am, I am." He smiles widely and we both burst into a fit of laughter. "One sec, Taylor's calling." He says, picking up his phone and walking to the other side of the room.

"Hey Tay, what's up? What!? You've got to be kidding me!" He yells, running his fingers through his hair while taking a deep breath. "Alright. Yeah I'll be there. Okay, bye." He then hangs up and walks back over to me. He falls flatly on the bed and covers his face with his hands.

"Matt?" I ask slowly. "What was that about?"

"The wedding is on the Eighteenth, right?" I nod slowly, unsure of where this is going. "Um... Well you see..." He trails off, trying to find his words.

"You can't go, can you?" I ask, quietly. He looks down and shakes his head.

"I'm so sorry. Darcy trust me, I want to be there for you and your family. But Taylor called me and said Bart booked us to go to MAGCON in Orlando." I don't make eye contact, but nod my head.

"It's okay." I whisper, barely audible.

"Darcy, please look at me." Matt moves over to sit in front of me, cross legged. He holds my hands together in his and strokes the back of my left hands with his thumb.

"I know, you want to be there. But your fans want to meet you. Make their day, go have fun." I look up into his eyes and smile slightly. He smiles back.

"Thank you for understanding." We stand up and he hugs me. I wrap my arms around his waist thoroughly as his wrap around my shoulders and his chin rests gently on the crown of my head. "That's why I chose you to be my best friend in kindergarten." I smile at the thought.

"Yeah, those were good times." We stand in silence, still in each other's embrace until he speaks again.

"You'll be on my mind the entire time. And I'll call you everyday."

"Thanks. But for now, just focus on your fans. Don't worry about me. I'll probably be busy helping Tracy with her last minute plans." He chuckles.


Reminiscing | Matthew Espinosa // hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now