Chapter 8

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Maxon's POV

I sit on their porch waiting for America to come say something to me. I know she won't. Its been at least two hours of me sitting here alone. I better get used to it, I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I'm not going to be able to see America walk down the aisle towards we, see our children run and play, have dinner as a family, enjoy the holidays. I'm just going to be alone. I feel a wave of depression hit me.

Its dark now, I hear crickets chirping. I'm about to get up and leave until someone comes outside. "Hey," Natalie says, I can only wave. She comes and sits next to me. We don't even talk we just sit staring at nothing. It feels nice just to know someone is there. I wish America was out here. I can't even enjoy the stars. I can only enjoy them with America.

When Natalie goes in Celeste comes. "Hey," she says, "how's it going?"

"Good I guess."

We sit for a few minutes in silence.

"She loves you, even if she denies it."

"I will always love her even if I can't be with her."

"A broken heart can heal. It will take time."

"Not if its been shattered into dust."

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you."

"Its fine, I'm just angry with myself."

"You can't change the past but you can change the future."

"I need America. Ever since she left I've been having nightmares. I haven't been eating, barely shaving. I can't even sit through an hour of a meeting without thinking about her."

"America thinks about you all the time. She doesn't admit it but you can tell. Her eyes get glossy she looks like she might burst into a million tears. Whenever we go to a bar she make a toast to 'to forgetting'. I think we all know what that means."

"Its all my fault. I'm an idiot."

"You are."


"You're an idiot for not getting America. Be a man and march in there and talk to her."

"She told me we're over."

"Like I said march in there and talk to her, man up!"

"She doesn't want to talk to me. I'm pretty sure she hates my guts."

"Do I need to push you in there? Go! Man up! Chase your soul mate!"

"I don't know Celeste."

"You don't realize how much you miss someone until they're gone is what people say. You've already went through that you don't want to lose her forever!"

"Celeste- " before I can say anything else she shoves me through the door.

When I walk through the door I see America sitting at their kitchen table. She starts to get up but Natalie pushes her down. Celeste pushes me towards her. Natalie motions her hand for me to sit directly across from America. I can see bones jutting out of America's wrists. When she sees me staring she puts her hands under the table. "Okay love birds we'll be in another room," Celeste says and they leave.

We just stare at each other for a while. She tries to avoid my eyes but I catch her staring at them. I guess I have to say the first word. I get ready to speak til she says something.

"I don't think we can be together."

"Why can't you think that we could be an us."

"You're a prince, your father hates me, and you're married for goodness sake!"

"America I'm sorry tha-"

"I'm sorry what? Stop saying you're sorry and move on! I'm trying to move on but I can't if you keep getting in the way! Maybe you should try the same. I won't get in your way, go right ahead."


"Stop apologizing and move on."

"America let me get a word in. Let me talk to you."

"I need some space, " she gets up and head towards the front door. I follow her out, "America lets just have an adult conversation." "We can't have an adult conversation if our feelings get in the way." She turns to walk out. I grab her by the shoulders and spin her around. We stare at each other for a second, I lean in. I miss this feeling so much. Just the feel of her lips on mine makes me want to melt. Spark are flying everywhere inside of me. When I pull away I realize that she felt that too. I start to say something but then am cut off, "I'm sorry I can't." She turns away and goes to sit on the brick stairs, I go to sit next to her. "Sorry, I guess it was too soon."

"Maxon its not you that makes me feel the way I feel now. I'm just confused."

"How about I help you out of your confusion."

"I don't think anyone can help me right now. I just need to be alone."

We sit there in silence gazing at the stars. In the corner of my eye I see a shooting star, I make a wish. (We can all guess what it is) America turns to me, "Its getting late I need to go." I watch her go, I will never get over her.

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