Chapter 14

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America's POV

We head to a prom and bridal store downtown. When we enter, the store looks massive. It has every dress and tux you could ever dream of. I have no idea what to do so I go to the front desk and ask for assistance. When the lady comes out to help me I start the cry, "Oh my goodness its been so long since I've seen you."

"I've missed you," Adam just stares at us in confusion.

"Sorry, this is Anne my former maid and this is Adam my boyfriend. Adam this is Anne, Anne this is Adam."

"Wow, you look handsome. Even better than Prince Maxon," he blushes a little bit.

"When did you quit at the palace?"

"Once you left it wasn't the same. I'd given my life to the palace. For goodness sake I was born there. But when you left the whole palace changed. It was gloomy, sad and depressing. So I left and now I sew and work here."

"Perfect because we need your help finding a gown and a tux for the outdoor ball."

"Lets go to the back and start with you America."

Anne pulls out the first dress. I try it on. Its cute but isn't my taste. We probably do that fifty more times and haven't found a single one. All Adam says is "I like that one" he's been saying that for the past fifty dresses. "It seems we have no luck finding a dress. What color do you mostly prefer?" I stare at her and give a face that says 'Really you were my maid for almost a year. How do you not know'

"Sorry that was a dumb question," she taps her foot and crosses her arms while trying to think. "I think I know the perfect dress." She goes to the back and comes out with a gorgeous dress. Its strapless and near the waistline it flares out and is knee length. The waist down has ruffles over lapping each other. From the top to the bottom it ombres from white to a royal blue.

"Anne its gorgeous."

"Lets go try it on."

When I walk out Adam is on his phone. He looks up and drops his phone on the floor. His jaw drops twenty feet. I giggle to myself flattered. Adam can barley speak, "You- you- you- look absolutely stunning. I can't believe that I, Adam Roberts, am your boyfriend."

"I'm flattered. I guess you like it."

"I don't like it. I love it," he comes and picks me up and twirls around with me in his arms. "I love you." "I love you too," he says.

"Okay love birds is that the one?" We both nod, "okay Adam you're next."

"I just want a simple black and white tux with a bow tie."

"We'll see."

Adam picks out a black jacket and pants, a white dress shirt for underneath and a royal blue bow tie to match my dress.

Adam puts an arm around my shoulders and kisses my forehead. "Aren't you guys a cute couple. Since you two are so cute," she starts whispering, "I'll let you have these for free. But don't let anyone hear or know about this."

"Thank you so much. It was good seeing you again," I say as I hug her.

"You mister better take care of her. If you hurt her I'll be the last thing you see." Adam gulps.

"Bye Anne!"

"Come by again, Bye!"

Adam drives me back home before he leaves I tell him to come in. "You haven't met Celeste or Natalie," I grab him by the hand and drag him in the house.

"Celeste! Natalie! Come down stairs!"


"I want you to meet Adam my boyfriend."

"Awww America and Adam sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," says Celeste.

"Nice to meet you all."

"You hurt her I'll shred you into a million pieces," Natalie glares.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Two days."

"A little birdy told me that you two got a little wild in the Cafe this morning," Celeste says. Adam looks like he's about to burst out laughing and I'm embarrassed.

"Its okay America."

"You guys need to come to the outdoor ball with us."

"We dont even have gowns or dates."

"I'm pretty sure you guys will find someone there."

"That doesn't fix our problem about gowns."

"Come with me. We're going to the prom and bridal store."

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