what it's like // narry [m.preg]

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Harry feels guilty. He feels that maybe if he had expressed his dislike towards Finley that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't find himself - wouldn't find Niall - in this predicament.

But then again, it wasn't his place. They were friends - granted, they weren't the closest - and friends aren't meant to bash on a man your friend is obviously falling head over heels in love with.

Plus, it had always been NiallandFin, so Harry is ninety-nine per cent sure his declaration wouldn't really matter, and most likely get him shunned.

And Niall? Niall feels helpless. He honestly doesn't know what he expected from Fin, he knew that he wasn't ready to start a family after just getting on his own two feet without his father's money.

He did, though, expect a little more from his parents. It was like a slap to his face when his father yelled at him, throwing his suitcases and belongings onto the front yard while his mother sobbed and sobbed because her son was such a selfish whore.

And Niall had run out of that clinic, which he thought was the only solution, because it has fingernails.

There were some days where Niall wished the world would just swallow him whole, and then he remembers about the baby and he regrets ever thinking such a thing.

Niall knew he couldn't do this all alone - parenting and pregnancy - but he sure as hell was willing to try. And Harry, Harry just wanted to help, but Niall was reluctant and stubborn.

So Harry did whatever he could that Niall would accept, like offering up the empty bedroom at his house.

what it's like // narry [m.preg]Where stories live. Discover now