The First Night

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Kairos followed Shara cautiously, his mind filled with a myriad of questions. Her mention of a "Time Warrior" left an odd feeling in his mind. It felt like everything he knew about time and reality was wrong, that he had to relearn about the seemingly impossible.

'It is impossible!' His mind said.

"And yet you watched as I took those men's time. The fact that your time remained yours when I touched you tells me that - whether subconsciously or mentally - you have understood everything that you've been through. It also means that you are capable of being a Time Warrior."

Kairos jumped when his captor broke the silence. "...Did you read my mind?"

"Yes." The girl replied. "If you wish your thoughts private you'd best think quietly."

The boy suddenly realized that he could hear the moving images on the walls. Remembering Shara's warning and the sting of her blade, he placed his hands behind his back and peered into one. He was startled to find a little boy that looked just like him.

Kairos was jerked back and landed on the marble floor. Shara placed the tip of her sword against his neck. Her eyes blazed with a fury that seemed inhuman. For the first time ever Kairos felt true fear.

"Idiot! Do not look into the portals that contain past versions of yourself!" Shara removed her sword and hauled him up, snarling in a language that sounded like Latin.

The frightened boy allowed her to lead him down yet another hallway. This one only held a series of doors.

Shara released him with a growl. "Your room is the last one on the right. Don't leave your room at night, and don't go exploring. Someone will retrieve you in the morn."

Walking to his door, Kairos looked back. "Goodnight, Shara."

The girl tensed as if about to fight. A flash of pain crossed her eyes before she vanished into the darkness.

'What was that all about?' Kairos shrugged off the question. He lived with only his mother, so he knew that some problems involving girls were simply girl problems.

"That would explain her hostility." He mused out loud.

The boy opened the door to his room and froze.

The "room" was large enough to be a house. Three sets of French doors were in a row on the left wall. A king-sized bed with silver and bronze sheets rested against the right wall, joined by an oak table holding up a large silver bowl. Plush couches and chairs were scattered about the room. Numerous tables, cabinets, and electronics filled the room and yet left it feeling large.

Kairos walked towards the sets of doors in a dream-like state. The first one revealed a full bathroom. The second held a walk-in closet with clothes from every era he'd ever read about. But it was the third room that caught his attention. The room was a full library with scrolls and books filling the shelves.

"I'm in heaven." He muttered.


Shara ran to her room and slammed the door behind her. Her breath came in gasps as she clutched her sword. A shaky hand came to rest against her heart.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Her command ended in a cry of pain as she felt her heart beat.

"Viridia, I need you!"

The older woman saw Shara and gasped. The girl's face was contorted in pain and sorrow. Tears streamed from her closed eyes.

Viridia helped Shara lay down on the medical bed and sterilized her stitching needle. "Shara, whenever you are ready."

Shara lifted the tip of her blade to her heart and pressed down. The sword reached its target, filling Shara with a feeling of numbness and icy calm. She closed her eyes as Viridia sealed the wound silently.

"Shara," Viridia said gently, "You've been freezing yourself for a long time. Maybe you should let it beat."

"You know very well I can't do that. The amount of pain would kill me, and I certainly can't share it with anyone." Shara replied.

Viridia sighed. "What about that Kairos boy? He is another form-"

"No, Viridia. I can't let him in." Shara sat up, wincing at the pain from her wound. "Not when he's the one who caused this."

Shara rose from the bed and slowly walked towards her room. "Thank you for your help, Viridia. Goodnight."

The girl smiled when she saw her hammock nestled between her two oak trees. She removed her cloak and exchanged her tube top for bandages and a black tee. A tune popped into her head, and she couldn't help but sing along.

"Listen to the sound,

To the sound you find.

It echoes in your heart,

It echoes all around.

It's the voice of love,

The hours fly.

Time is passing by."

Shara's eyes closed as her back shifted until she was nestled safely in the soft web. With a smile, the girl drifted into a deep sleep.


A sharp rap on the door had Kairos falling out of bed with a groan. He staggered over and opened the door.

"Kairos? You are needed in the main training room."

Kairos looked at her and yelped. The woman was glowing a light blue. Upon further inspection he realized that he could see through her to the opposite wall.

The woman handed Kairos a bundle of clothes. "Shara requested you wear this."

"Yeah, um, just... give me a second to change." Kairos slowly closed the door.

He quickly put on the black tee shirt and khaki cargo pants, hesitating only slightly when he tied the cloak around his neck. It was strange, but the clothes felt somehow... right.

Kairos opened the door and followed the spirit towards his destination. "So... what's your name?"

"I am called Viridia." The ghost smiled. "Shara was my good friend when we were alive."

"Were alive?"

"Yes. You see, Shara vanished when we both were nineteen. I lived until I was twenty-three. Shara, however, is not dead. She was brought here the day she went missing. She stopped aging upon her arrival."

"So... everyone here is immortal?" Kairos asked hesitantly.

Viridia smiled again. "Indeed. You are immortal, as well."

The spirit opened a large set of doors and ushered him inside. When he turned around to thank her she was already gone.

"Alright, idiot, get over here." Kairos spun around to face Shara.

She didn't appear ready to teach him with her black tank top and jean shorts. Her emerald green eyes were impassive and showed no trace of the pain from last night. The Time Warrior threw an apple at him. He caught it with ease.

"Eat up." Shara's dark grin made him nervous. "You're going to need all the strength you can get."

Kairos inwardly groaned. 'It's gonna be a long day.'

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