The Medela

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Kairos stretched languidly in his bed with a smile. His head felt much better than it had a few hours ago, and the short nap did wonders for the aches he received during training with Shara.

He shook his head at her name. That girl was turning out to be quite quite the enigma if he was being honest with himself. She acted like a condescending teacher during training and direct conversation, but the look in her eyes and the expression on her face when they were viewing her memory...

 There was more to that memory than she had revealed. Something that deeply affected her and changed her attitude permanently.

Kairos opened the door to his room, determined to get more answers from-


The girl was slumped against the wall, her breath coming out in quiet gasps. Her armor was beside her and covered in dents and holes. Shara's white undershirt was stained red just above her stomach, and her hand clutched her shoulder tightly.

"H-hey, idiot." She flashed a pain-filled grin at Kairos. "Mind helping me up?"

Kairos frowned. 'She expects me to let her walk with those injuries?'

Making a split-second decision that normally would have gotten him killed, Kairos picked up Shara and held her to his chest. His concern for her increased when the usually feisty girl placed her head against his heart and closed her eyes.

"Shara?" Kairos shook her a bit. "You need to stay awake. Who did this to you?"

"Was on a... mission. Had to fight Sloth. He's... strong after he feeds."

Kairos began jogging to the infirmary.

"What does he feed on?"

"Weaknesses." She mumbled. "Laziness, in...juries, sickness..."

He saw that she was losing concentration. "Hey, Shara. What's your favorite color?"

"Color... purple."

"Favorite book?"

"Manuscript Found in Accra... by Paulo Coelho."

"Favorite animal?"

"Dragon. If I... survive, we'll go and... see one."

They finally reached the medical hall. Kairos began to shout for Viridia.

The spirit woman opened the doors for Kairos and busied herself with her medical supplies. "Lay her down on the bed. Her shoulder is dislocated, so we'll have to handle that first. Then I'll be able to stitch her stomach."

The boy did as he was told. He gently but firmly grasped her right wrist and left hip. "It's to keep you from thrashing around when she pops your shoulder back into place," he quickly explained.

"I don't... do that." Her glare wasn't as powerful as normal, but it still showed her displeasure.

Viridia rushed over and relocated Shara's shoulder while she was distracted.

The girl hissed, arching her back and surging up. "Hell, Viridia!" She panted as she collapsed against the bed.

"Yeah, yeah," Viridia brought over a tray filled with surgical tools. "I'll see you there."

The spirit began to close Shara's wound, using a conversation filled with light banter and teasing to keep her patient awake. Her tone was cheerful, but her body was tense as she worked. "So, did you manage to save Guinevere before you got your rear served to you on a silver platter?"

"Ha ha. Very funny. But to answer your question, yes, she's safe. I also managed to exorcise Sloth. It'll take him a while to return."

"What do you mean by exorcise? I thought Sloth was a Sin, not a demon." Kairos asked in confusion.

Shara laughed at him. "The Sins are demons. They're the masters of their namesakes, and as such only listen to one being."

"Done, Shara." Viridia turned to Kairos. "Can you help her to her room?"

The boy nodded lifting Shara into his arms once more. The girl grew lax as he got closer to her room. Kairos groaned in exasperation.

Shara had fallen asleep.

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