Chapter 6

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Natalie’s POV 

3 weeks later....

As far as I was concerned, I was happy. Pure, blissful happiness. Everyday I spent with Robi and Kendra. The boy I was falling head over heels for and the girl who had my back no matter what. That once calloused pain was beginning to heal, my life had meaning once again. Of course the memory of my parents still brought me to tears, I had the comfort of friends and family.

Much to my dismay, school hadn’t changed, but I enjoyed it with ease. The mood seemed lighter, people were more at ease around me, they didn’t feel the need to watch their p’s and q’s around me as much.

I finally felt normal, like a piece was missing, but now I finally had it.

“Natalie, would you hurry your butt up?” 

My aimless day dreaming was abruptly interrupted by a anxious cry. looked at Kendra as she tapped her foot rather impatiently.

“Yea, yea. I’m coming, hold your horses. Jesus.” I rolled my eyes as she sighed loudly, Kendra really needed to work on her patience.

I pulled on my snug two-piece swim suit, pulling a pair of short denim jeans over my bottom piece. September weather was the best time to swim honestly. It was the last time I would be able to, anyways.

I stepped onto the board walk of the beach. The waves licked at the shore, stroking the sand with the tendrils of sparkling water. The smell of salty waves kissed my nose, I could stand there forever, basking in the sunlight, a gentle breeze caressing my skin. It reminded me of the days my dad would take us to Miller Lake. 

I could picture my dad’s warm smile guiding me towards the water, his short brown hair laying a tuffs, thrown by the slight wind. I could see my mother, grinning at me. Her white dress moving slowly around her slender frame, her honey skin made golden from the sun. Her bright eyes watching me as I swung on the rope tied to a large branch overhead. My small hands releasing the roughness, flinging into the air. The cool water encasing me, numbing the slight smack I felt. My mother’s shrill voice pierced  the water,reaching my ears underneath the coolness, I could remember my father standing at the edge laughing hysterically watching my mother bend over the edge. Her slender hand reaching towards me. She was reaching to grab me...

“Natalie, did you hear me?”

 I opened my eyes, it was only a memory. One of the many memories I’ve held onto, reliving them in the back of my mind.

“Huh? Oh sorry, I was off..” 

“In space.” Kendra cut me off.

“Yea, what did you want?” I asked, turning my back to the sea to look at my friend.

“Jamie just got here. Have you seen Robi?” She asked curiously. I realized I haven’t seen him all day.

“Jamie?” I didn’t remember hearing anything about her coming.

“Yep” Kendra made a loud popping ‘p’.

“Alright, I guess. I’ll go look for Robi then.” I lifted my leg from where they were stuck in place.

“No, I’ll do that, Jamie said she wanted to talk to you, she said it was important.” Kendra nodded her head in the opposite direction I wanted to go.

“Alright.” I sighed heavily.

I made my way off the board walk an into the warm sand. My toes dug into the gritty plain. The sand began to burn the soles of my feet, I winced at each step I took. I knew my bag was in my car along with my sandals. Dumb move. 

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