Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The redhead sees the two agents coming and beings firing rounds. Missing every time. Logan was the first to reach the step and with a hard hit to her head with the back of his gun , she was out. They move in. 

Spencer takes out a gun and knife. Holding her knife horizontally and her gun vertically on top of her other arm. The lights in the house were all out and everything was silent. Spencer and Logan moves faster clearing each room as the went further into the house. The two were clearing the second floor when they hear a crash. It came from the fist floor. She motion for Logan to stay on the second as she moved down to the first. 

She quicken her pace down the stairs, when she heard her dad's voice. She broke into a sprint to the front foyer of the house to see her dad stumbling on the ground. She was half way to him, but stopped when she heard shots being fired from above. Spencer looks up at the scene. Logan was emptying his ammunition at the browned haired man, just as he was loading his gun to aim at her dad. Out of instinct Spencer buried a knife deep inside of the mans leg, he staggered back almost taken aback, not knowing what had just happened. Four knives left.

Her attention shifts to her dad on the ground. He moans getting up and she can see the blood coming out of his arm, it wasn't a lot. She let out and inner sigh of relief knowing that he wasn't going to die. She embraced him tightly.

"Now's not the time" he said

"I know but-" before she could finish the sentence she saw the blond man cocking his bow and taking aim. Adrenaline started to pump threw her veins as she pushed her dad out the way and  does a back flip the arrow just missing her. Spencer looks at her dad who was now fighting the redhead who had just woken up from her slumber. 

She grabbed her gun and began to shoot at the blond man. He doges them skilfully, but not enough, as one of the bullets grazed his left cheek  revealing a red line the began to bleed scarlet. It didn't seem to faze him as he fired arrows at Spencer, she was honestly impressed. His technique was prefect. She quickly flipped over a small table using as a shield. 

She had to think fast. Just as she grabbed another knife an arrow pierced through the table and stops centimetres from her chest. There was no time to waste. She sprung up and launched the knife with deadly speed at the string of his bow. It snaps back at his hand and the man yelps. He pulls out the gun and without hesitation, before he can even pull the trigger Spencer throws two knives at the gun and it flies out of his hand. 

"So we're gonna play it like that huh?" he says teasingly, "alright lets go."

Spencer runs up at the man dogging a punch. She quickly sweeps her feet under him and he falls to the ground. Getting up as if nothing had happen he starts to throw punches. He gets Spencer right in the jaw, and she stumbles back. He goes for another strike but Spencer saw this one coming and grabs the man hand. Twisting and pivoting her feet in one quick motion she flips him to the ground hard. A groan escapes his mouth. He gets up again, this time picking up the gun that had fallen earlier. Spencer takes him by surprise as she takes out knife and with one flick of the wrist, knocks the gun out of his hand, yet again. 

"You know that's getting pretty annoy-." before he can finish the last word she had him in a choke hold with a gun to his throat. The man freezes and so does Spencer. 

She kept a firm hold on the man and just watched in horror. It happened all so fast for her to even comprehend. The redhead was out cold, but her dad was pretty beat up, bloody rushing down to the ground from his leg. Up on the stairs was Logan and the brown haired man. Logan was on top of him, the two struggling to reach for the small gun in front of them. The man rears his arm back and elbows Logan in the face, stunning him as he grabbed the gun and fired directly at her dad's back.

It was as if everything was put into slow motion from that point on. Spencer and her dad's eyes meet and she dropped everything in her hands. She can't hear anything. The screams escape her mouth, but she doesn't hear a thing. Just then she watched the life in her dad's face disappears as his body jerks up and a red spot starts to grow bloody on his chest. Spencer ran her hardest towards him. This can be happening not to her, not now. This is a dream, it had to be, but it wasn't. 

Her body was being to shake as she kneeled beside her dad. 

"D-d-dad stay with me dad" she said putting her hands to his face, shaking him in the hopes of bring a little life back into him. His eyes open barely. She ripped a chunk of her dress and holds it to his bleeding chest. Her hand shaking violently. Spencer could see him starting to slip away. "No no no! Dad! Stay with me! Dad!"

His eyes still shut, gasping for air "I'm proud of you Spencer. So proud." she can feel the hot tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Dad everything is going to be alright, just stay with me." she said trying so desperately to stop the bleeding and hold herself together. 

Tears threatening to fall down his cheeks, voice practical inaudible, "I love you so much my little sparrow, never forget that" 

And that's when death took him. Eyes blank, expressionless, motionless not sign of life. 


Spencer's body was completely under siege as it shook uncontrollably. She began to sob, her vision blurred by the tears. She felt Logan's hand on her shoulder but shook it off. She didn't want comfort, she didn't want sympathy, she didn't want anything but her dad back. He was all she ever knew, her only friend, raised her by himself after her mother died, there for her when she needed him most and when he needed her most, she wasn't there for him. She let the one thing keeping her to this planet slip away. I let death himself come in and take him away as I just watched. 

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