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I feel my heart pounding on my chest. The rhythm unnaturally fast. For about a minute, I see only darkness. Memories flash in my mind, chronologically ordered. Not just any memories, though. Memories I can't possibly remember. My first steps, my first words. But it's all there, in perfect detail. My parents' faces as I first opened my eyes, my brother's smile after I made my first selfless act. But there are other memories, too. More recent. Finding out about my Divergence. When I hit the net after jumping off the building at Dauntless headquarters, meeting all my friends and enemies. Killing Will. My parents being killed. Uriah dying. And me. Me, dying. My last thoughts. The names that went through my head. Tori, Christina, Will, Al, Caleb, and Tobias. Tobias. Where is he? Where are they all?
My head starts to beg for answers just as a shaking hand rattles me awake.
"Beatrice," a voice calls. I know the voice, but haven't heard it in a long time. "Beatrice!" The voice calls again. I finally gather the strength to open my eyes. I'm so exhausted I can't move my fingers. The first thing I see are two, chocolate-coated brown eyes looking down on me. All I can really do is squint. But as the room gets clearer, I can make out her features.
"Tori!" I say, unknowing of where I got the the strength to yell.
"Beatrice, it's time to go back." Tori's replies.
"It's Tris," I say confused as to why Tori is not using the name she used to call me.
I must be dead, if Tori is here, and I am here. I suddenly wonder if my parents and Will and Uriah are here too. I urge myself to turn my head. The room is the exact one of which I took the Aptitude Test, mirrors lining the walls. I sit in a chair, the same chair I sat when I drank the simulation serum. This room is a solemn reminder of the choice I made. Everything started here.
"Of course they would put us here," I say, "This is where it all started for both of us."
"Beatrice. Are you OK?"
The confusion on her face only confuses me. Doesn't she know what happened? Even after thought, I can't help responding, "No! Of course I'm not! You're not either! We're dead, and we left everything we loved behind!" This seems to really confuse her.
"Dead!?" Even after my lash out, her voice is soft. "We are not dead, Beatrice. Whatever you saw in that simulation-"
"Simulation?" I blurt out. "What simulation?"
"The aptitude test requires a simulation serum."
Simulation. Aptitude test. Not dead. "How much of it was a simulation?" I ask.
"Well, I'm having trouble loading all the information but-"
"But what?"
"Your results are almost unheard of." She pauses to take a breath. "The programed
simulation showed as it was supposed to, but in your own mind. From the information I have gathered, I can conclude that there is something different about you." Her face has a hint of curiosity in it, and I have to admit, I'm curious too.
"Different about me? Like Divergence?"
"No." Tori says, "Rarer than Divergence. You seem to know how places you never seen before look like, how people you never meet before act, and your reactions to things that never happened."
"So, how much of it wasn't real?"
"After drinking the serum, and before waking now, it was all a simulation."
My heart drops. People I've never meet? Does that mean that they don't know me? Does this mean Will, Uriah, my parents aren't dead? That Tori isn't dead? But instead, I end out asking the most important question I need an answer to, "What am I then? If not Divergent?"
At this, Tori shifts uncomfortably in her seat. What is she holding back from me?
"You're called Resurgent." She says quietly, as if afraid someone will here. "No one will remember me?" I ask, my voice cracking.
"Your family yes." She says, "And everyone you knew before the test."
I want to cry. I want to lay on the ground, and never stand. I want to empty out all the tears at once, so I will never cry again. Tobias won't remember me. But then I realize that I might not ever see him again, and this makes me want to sob even more. But I can't. I can't . Instead I ask more questions, "Who else is like me?" My voice barely audible.
"Well," she pauses, "only another I know of."
"Who?" I immediately look up.
She answers softly, quiet enough so only I can hear, "Two years ago, on their test, only about 7% was loaded. Well, their 7% was the exact same as your 7%. Astounding, since that is nearly impossible."
"Ok, but who ?" The curiosity is gnawing at me, needing answers. And soon enough, Tori comes down with one. Her words cause my heart to race faster than I can run,
"Tobias Eaton."

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