Chapter Twenty Three: Red Light

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Soon enough that weekend I had to run to the gas station again. I was getting tired of the foul smelling shop and the uncleanliness. Luckily the notice on the supermarket window said they'd be open again the following day. I know for sure I wasn't the only one relieved. I saw the faces of the other shoppers in Bernie's shop. Lord knows, we should have been thankful that we had a place to buy the essentials, but honestly, I'd rather be buying my groceries from a suspicious looking vender on the side of the road if I had that option.

I paid for my groceries by a young girl at the counter. Her hair was dyed pitch black and looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks. While she was ringing up my items I glanced out the window. A lone car stood at one of the gas pumps. An elderly man was attentively filling up his tank.

A few cars were making their way down the street. It was just a regular day here in old Georgeville. Or at least that's what I thought before I heard the unmistakable roar of a motorcycle drawing closer. I stopped breathing for a moment. I didn't care what Jax said. If SAMCRO was hanging around Georgeville it meant he wasn't safe.

As I suspected biker was back – the same olive skinned one who confronted Bernie the last time. He stopped in front of the shop, scanned the shop from outside and when he spotted Bernie by the magazine rack right near the entrance he motioned for him to join him outside.

Bernie walked slowly. He even glanced back at me before he went through the door, probably seeing if there were any witnesses if this guy chose to murder him.

"Your info was bullshit," the biker said leaning against his bike, obviously not worrying if anyone heard. Unfortunately for me, I was the only one in earshot. Well, apart from the cashier who was too busy chewing gum loudly and blankly staring at the back of the shop.

"He must have fled. I told you everything I know."

The biker stood up and towered over Bernie. "Do you know who I am and what I'm capable of?" he asked Bernie.

"Yes. I know. Happy, please, listen. I told you everything. I don't know where he went."

The biker got onto his bike. "I'll be around. You better find out where he went. Your ass is on the line now." Then he pulled away, leaving a loud noise.

Did Bernie call him Happy? Was that his actual name? I decided that I had to tell Jax this. Even if he said that he'd be fine, I hoped that mentioning the name might cause him to reassure me again that he was safe. I immediately headed for his apartment.

"We need to talk," I said as he opened the door.

He let me in.

"We need to talk?" he asked jokingly as he watched me walk passed him. I shrugged off his remark and focused on what I actually came to tell him.

"Happy," I said.

"I'm sorry. What?" Jax asked raising his eyebrow, obviously having no clue what I was on about.

"The biker. His name is Happy. Or at least I think that's it. Do you know him?" I asked. I so desperately hoped that Jax would say no, that he'd say the biker wouldn't even recognise him if they passed each other in the street.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, at least I think so. Bernie called him Happy."

Jax's face dropped and lost all colour. Within seconds he was in his bedroom. He threw clothes into his duffle bag.

"I need to leave," he said while fumbling with the bag.

"You need to leave? Where are you going?" I asked. My eyes followed him as he moved across the room and passed me.

"I need to get out until he leaves." He grabbed his keys from the counter.

"It's too obvious," I said grabbing his hand. He'll spot you easily on your bike. There's not exactly a lot of people who own motorcycles in town. Let me come with you. We can take my car."

He seemed to be debating this in his head. Soon enough he turned around and then headed out the door. I trailed behind him. He hurried inside my apartment with me following shortly after.

"Grab some clothes. We have to leave immediately."

I rushed and packed a few items and before I knew it we were in the parking lot next to the building.

"I'll drive," I said, "You keep low."

He nodded and got in the passenger side.

I only knew of one place we could go: My dad's house.

I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way down Main Street. I drove at my normal pace, careful not to draw any attention to us. I had just passed the last of the shops in Main Street when I was stopped at the traffic light. I impatiently tapped the steering wheel waiting for the light to change. I wanted to just drive right through it, but with me being so drawn to accidents and ultimately shitty situations, I decided against it. Besides, what if the only police cruiser in town spotted me and we ended up in a high speed chase because God knows nothing interesting (not even the occasional driving through a red light) ever happened in this town.

Then, of course, my worst fear came true. Not the car chase, that's the second worst thing that could have happened at that moment. This was something far worse: I heard the rumble of a motorcycle.

Now, I'm not a religious person, but I was praying at that moment that the light would just turn green and that the motorcycle would lie behind forgotten. But again, it's me and nothing ever goes the way I want it to. And of course Happy stopped right next to my car on Jax's side. Jax turned his face away and covered it casually with his hand. I kept praying to God that Happy wouldn't look in our direction and I urged the light with my mind to just fucking change already.

But like most things in life, this didn't work out for me. As I pulled away my car decided to backfire drawing attention to us. Jax nervously looked at me. Happy was staring at the side of Jax's face.

It looked like a light switch had gone on in his head.

"Drive!" Jax yelled and I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal. Happy was tailing us.

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