The auction

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As I stood there I felt sick. How could people sell other people. The girl beside me got sold for 4000$. This all just had to be a dream. The auctioneer said my name and began to red the chart.
"This right here is a fine working girl. Her name is Abby and she does great house work. She has a little problem with trying to escape but that can be fixed. Now do we have a high bidder bc this girl is a virgin and worth money."

I looked at the man how could he say my personal business like that. How did he know that. Numbers started flying. After what seemed like two seconds I was dragged away. I was in shock. How could this happen.  I was dragged into a tiny room with a brown couch. I was giving a shot of drugs and I was gone. A man came in and ordered for someone to take me to the SUV.

When my eyes flickered open I was laying in a really big room. I sat up and re room was huge. It was nice.  I noticed my clothes had been changed and I was wearing a white night gown. I also noticed I had a box thing on my ankle. I guess it was a tracking device. I opened the bedroom door and looked out. I saw a set of stairs and huge tall white walls. I walked down the steps and saw other girls wearing the same thing I was. They all stopped and looked at me. A man walked in and looked at me. "Well hello Abby." I was shocked that he knew my name but I also knew that I had been sold and this was the man that paid for me. We walked up to me and kissed me cheek. That was when I realized how sexy and young he was!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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