Overwrite 369

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Challenge #14: Write a story that includes elements from either Cyberpunk or High Fantasy, where one of the characters is either an Omnicidal Maniac or a Knight Templar, where the themes are either Vigilantism and Morality or Love and Death, and is in the form of a 369er. A “369er” is a piece comprised of three separate but related 69 word stories.

Rick couldn’t believe it. He had expected that kind of slip-up from the thugs who smuggled in the weapons. He had even expected it from the back-alley ‘planter who’d fitted his new arm. But Jenna? After all they’d been through together, she should have been smart enough to spot a government spy. His own wife…he would have killed her if he’d had to, but that wouldn’t have been enough.


The boot caught Jacob in the side of the head, knocking him to the curb. “It’s your lucky day,” said the chiphead standing over him. “I got bigger problems than petty crooks.” Ripping the morphymer lockpick out of his car door, he crushed it in one great hydraulic hand.

As the sports car swept out into the road, Jacob certainly didn’t feel lucky. Then it exploded, and he did.


He’d wiped her ID chip, medical records, bank account. She couldn’t be sure, but she had a feeling that when she got home her stuff would be gone, too. It was fifty-fifty her fingerprint wouldn’t even open the front door any more. But there were upsides, she supposed. The claymore mine in the glovebox was bound to be messy, but “I don’t exist” was one hell of an alibi.

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