OCR is Not the Only Font

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Challenge #2: Write a story that incorporates elements from science fiction and romance.

“I love you,” said the android, clasping her hand from across the table. “I love you and that’s that.”

Anna sighed. She had already tried to explain so many times. “I’m sorry,” she said. “There’s just no way.”

“But it’s true! I know they say machines can’t love, but maybe…” musclefiles\pleading.facemap took a second to load. “…maybe there’s just never been a love like ours.”

“I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself. Maybe…”

“Please,” he said, “just give me a chance. You mean everything to me.” He tried to squeeze out a tear, but realised he had forgotten to refill the cartridge. He knew he shouldn’t have milked it that time he stubbed his toe.

“Look,” she said. “I’m as open minded as the next person, but…”

“Just forget about our differences for a moment.” He didn’t really have anything to follow that up with. What did humans find romantic? The café had wi-fi. He could Google it! Then again, there were some things even robots didn’t want to look at. Best just wing it. “I love you,” he said, “and in the face of that, it matters nothing to me that you’re human and I’m not. I love you more than the smell of antifreeze on a cold winter’s morning. When I’m with you, I feel safer than when Microsoft finally releases a patch to fix a backdoor that’s been worrying everybody for ages.” He was surprised how easily the words came. How quickly his normally emotionless silicon brain could piece together a metaphor. But then, this was love, and that was why he had to convince her. “You are the only one,” he said, “who stops me feeling like a zero.” That was it, he was sure. If that heartfelt speech couldn’t break the shackles of society, nothing could. Each clock cycle an eternity, the android awaited her reply.

“I’m a lesbian.”

“Oh.” musclefiles\WTF.facemap. “That’s kind of weird.”

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