Part 2

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It was almost 8:00am when I left for school. I drove even though I live only two blocks away from school, because I’m just that lazy.

I met up with my friends and we went to class together. I didn’t really pay much attention in class, we were learning something about the periodic table? Yeah, not very fun unless you’re actually doing experiments with chemical reactions. 

After the final class of the day, Joel, Toby, Jack, Tyler, Grace, and I all met at my house. We could fit about 4 people in a car, so Toby, Jack, Tyler, and Grace all took one car, and Joel and I took another, plus the luggage.

We arrived at the campground about two hours later. We met up with the camp guide, and she read the rules aloud, “No littering, don’t go to the lake without an assistant...” 

Almost everyone was paying attention, except Grace. We decided we would go put our luggage in the cabins and rest up for the night so we would be nice and energized for the following day. 

As the sky grows grey, I look outside. I saw someone running towards the lake. We aren’t supposed to go there... Hmm.. Oh well, it was probably just a camp guide. I decided I’d just go to bed. 

Suddenly, I shot awake. I heard cries for help from outside of our cabin. Joel heard them too. We both went to check on the rest of the gang. They must have heard it too, because they were all awake. But then we noticed, Grace was missing. We all looked at each other, worry in our eyes. 

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