Ghost Love Score

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Ghost Love Score

The siren carried him to me

First of them true lovers

Singing on the shoulders of an Angel

"The name is Sherlock Holmes and the address 221B."

That had been the sealing point. The beginning of the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Of course their first meeting had been set up. Sherlock needed to watch over John but he didn't want his sudden appearance in the ex-soldier's life to be.... Creepy, you could say. Mike had been willing enough. Sherlock had already got to know John's habits a few days before they met. It was his job.

Sherlock may never have expected to be chosen as a Guardian Angel but he was going to damn well try and be a good one. Then again, John wasn't really helping.

It started when John shot a cabbie, a criminal, to save Sherlock's life. Of course Sherlock had never been in any danger. He wasn't stupid. He was an angel after all. He wasn't going to risk his life. Angels may be immortal, but they were not invincible. They could be killed just like humans.

From that point their relationship took to new heights. They quickly moved from acquaintances to friends. And from there it only continued.

Sherlock remembered the day when he began to break the rules for John quite clearly. You could call it his first fall. And he did not regret it.

My fall will be for you

"You. Bloody. Idiot." John's eyes were sharp with both tears and anger, his fists lightly hitting against Sherlock's chest. "You had me worried. You were shot, for God's sake!" Well in a way he was shot for God's sake but Sherlock doubted that that was what he was meant to get from this conversation.

"I'm fine," he replied smoothly. Of course he was. He'd only taken a bullet to his chest. Wait, those two sentences didn't really fit. It was fine. He had Angel healing voodoo on his side.

"Don't you ever do that again. Don't you dare. I was worried. I thought you were dead."

"It was me or you." And if John had died, Sherlock wouldn't exactly come out of it in a good state. Failing as a Guardian? That was not something one wished to do.

"Don't sacrifice yourself for me."

Sherlock raised a delicate eyebrow, the smallest of smiles curving his lips. "I'm afraid that isn't possible."

"Please, Sher. I couldn't survive without you." All the anger had left John's deep blue eyes, staring up at Sherlock. They were so close. When had that happened?

"The same goes for you." Sherlock's voice was softer. He didn't even realise what was happening as John's hands came to rest on his hips. Sherlock's arms automatically wrapped around the shorter man's neck. Their faces moved gradually closer until their lips met.

Sherlock felt a spark in the pit of his stomach, something he had never felt before. It was painful, but it was so good. He decided to ignore it. And only think of John's lips on his own. The way John's tongue swiped Sherlock's lips, asking for entrance. Which Sherlock gladly gave.

When they pulled away both were breathless, faces flushed. They just stood there in silence for a few moments before they continued.

Some part of Sherlock screamed for him to stop. To remove the feelings being invoked in his mind. To pull away from John. To turn down the request to come to bed with him. But he didn't.

He knew that he was breaking so many rules. Do not get involved with the humans. Do not grow attached to the one you are protecting. Do not fall in love.

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