Dustland Fairytale

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Dustland Fairytale

Music filtered through the hall, various scents mixing in the air packed with teenage bodies. Many were dancing, others talking to the side or drinking. Everyone was having a good time, enjoying the dance in the middle of a busy last year of school. It was nice to relax and have fun with friends for once. It was hard not to enjoy it.

Sherlock did not. He sat off to the side by himself, a grumpy look on his pale face. The tall, lanky teen had been forced to go by his parents who thought it would be good for him. Sherlock begged to differ. He was not enjoying it one bit and he wasn't exactly spending time with any people. And the only tolerable person of the whole lot was off dancing with some girl.

Sherlock would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of that girl. Mary Morstan or something like that. Stealing his best friend. John. His John. He had been quite upset when John had said that no, he would not go to the dance with Sherlock because they were just friends and anyway he had a date. Of course he did. Because John was brilliant. Nothing spectacular at first glance, but Sherlock though John was the best person in the world. With his woolly jumpers, jam and tea. He was a conductor of light for Sherlock. And he was, of course, straight. Not that Sherlock was attracted to him. No, Sherlock didn't do feelings.

Or, at least, that was what he told himself that night as he watched John dance with someone who wasn't him.

"Hey, Sherlock, why aren't you dancing? Find a girl or something," John sat down, panting lightly. Obviously the dancing was exhausting him. Mary had gone over to talk to her friends, but she kept on glancing at John who was quite blatantly still staring at her. Not even looking at Sherlock.

"Really, John?" Sherlock fixed his seventeen year old friend with a hard stare. "There is no point in asking that question."

"I guess not," John shrugged, looking at Sherlock with a grin. "But you can't just sit there looking glum. Come with me and maybe you can dance with one of Mary's friends."

Sherlock made a face. "I do not want to dance with any of her friends."

"Fine. What about Molly? She likes you."

"No thank you, anyway she disappeared off with Graham a while ago. They are undoubtedly now making out somewhere."

"Greg," John corrected with a frown, watching his best friend carefully. "Who do you want to dance with?"

Sherlock let a cold look cross his eyes, not meeting John's eyes as he replied stiffly. "Nobody who would want to dance with me."

"Try me."

"I'd rather not."

John folded his arms, fixing Sherlock with a glare. It seemed that John wouldn't be moving until Sherlock admitted who he wanted to dance with. Not that that mattered to Sherlock. It meant John was here, with him, rather than with Mary. "Tell me, Sherlock. I'm sure I can set you up."

Sherlock looked John right in the eye, before glancing over John. He knew everything about him and his life. His heterosexuality was really quite obvious. But Sherlock had never been one to run away from a challenge. If it could be seen as that.


"What?" John spluttered, coughing lightly. "Say that again?"

"You. I want to dance with you, John Watson." A delicate smirk slipped across Sherlock's lips. John was a deep red now, looking rather shocked. The seventeen year old obviously had no idea what to say.


"What?" It was Sherlock's turn to be shocked.

"You heard me, Sherlock Holmes," John replied.

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