Three years ago

561 12 0

Thomas's POV

I kiss my wife and put my hand on her belly. I can't believe that any moment now I will be a father. I feel the little one kick, I smile. Any moment now I will be holding a small child in my arms. It makes me smile, but it also worries me. My wife and I know what a dangerous world it's out there. All those Wesen will be after us, trying to kill us. Kate and I are both Grimms so we know how dangerous it can actually be. Suddenly Kate lets out a scream and jolts up. "It's happening" she tells me  the pain clear in her voice"My water just broke." she says. I help my wife up from the bed, take the suitcase that we made beforehand for when we would have to rush to the hospital and take my car keys. I help Kate into the car and then get behind the wheel. I start the car and rush my wife to the hospital. I go over to the passenger side and help Kate out and together we walk through the doors of the hospital. "Somebody help, my wife's gone into labor!" I say as we stand at the entrance.Immediately a nurse comes up to us and takes a wheelchair and sat Kate down into the wheelchair and we went to the delivery room. I held her hand the whole time.

She lay onto the bed and let out another scream. "The contractions are 3 minutes apart and the cervix is dilated ten centimeters" the nurse informs the doctor "Be ready to push, when I say push" the nurse says and I hold my wife's hand "It's all going to be okay." I tell her "Ready? And..... Push" the nurse tells Kate and she does as she's told "And.... push" the nurse says again. She screams as she pushes. "I can see the head" The doctor says "And.... Push" the nurse tells her once again. And once again my wife starts to push. "There are the shoulders." the doctor says "One more time. And..... Push" the nurse says. My wife screams as s he pushes and soon the room is filled with the cries of a newborn baby. The doctor cuts the cord and wraps the baby in a blanket. "Congratulations. It's a girl" the doctor says, putting the baby on top of my wife. "Have you decided on a name?" He asks "Lexie." My wife says smiling at me "Lexie Burkhardt." she tells the doctor. I smile at her and give her a kiss on top of her head. "You did good." I tell her. I look over to my newly born daughter and smile. "She's perfect" I state although the baby is still bloody. I can already see a bit of black hair on her beautiful little head.

The doctor's take Lexie away for a check up and I sit with my beautiful wife. She looks up at me, a look of concern covering her face. "I hope she will be spared." Kate says and I nod, knowing what she meant. "Me too. But even if she doesn't inherit the gift of being a Grimm, this family is already cursed." I tell her "Sometimes I wish I wouldn't be able to see them for what they really are, sometimes I wish I was normal. But then again..." Kate says and then looks at me. "... I wouldn't have met you and then Lexie would have never been born." she says and smiles "I like this story better than the alternative, don't you?" she asks me and I kiss her on her lips. "I do" I whisper. "We'll protect her no matter what the cost." I say "Forever." my wife says "And always" We say in unison. Suddenly the doctor comes back in with our little baby girl. "She's a very healthy baby. She weighs 4.5 lb and is 18.9 inches." The doctor says handing me Lexie, who's now cleaned of the blood. Suddenly the doctor's face changes and she got fox-like features. Lexie starts to cry and the doctor looks scared. "You're all Grimm's. I've never seen one up close,let alone a whole family." she says with fascination, but then the fear returns "Please, don't hurt me." she begs "We won't" I tell her "You have to be careful" she says, a warning clear in her tone. "What do you mean?" Kate asks, the doctor looks at Lexie "You two aren't the only Grimm's in this room, she's one too." the doctor says

"How's that even possible?" I ask, the doctor shrugs her shoulders "I wouldn't know." she says "Unless..." she mutters "but it can't be, that's only a myth" she mumbles "then again..." she adds "What myth?" I ask her "Have you ever heard of a rein Grimm?" she asks "No" I say and look at my wife "Neither have I" Kate says "It basically means she's born as a Grimm. A pure Grimm" the doctor tells us. For a moment we're speechless. I look at my wife and see a look of concern cross her face. I know what she's thinking, if any Wesen were to find out she was a rein Grimm.... They would come after her and probably kill her. In fact they would kill us all if we don't kill them first.

Third person's POV

The Burkhardt family lived happily and undisturbed for three months together with their now three month old daughter. But nothing good lasts forever, sometime soon their luck would be up, they knew that and they also knew they had to be very careful with their new found information. Their daughter was possibly/most likely a Rein Grimm, which is even more dangerous than being a Grimm. Now everything is quiet in the Burhardt family. It's three a.m. so it should be. Quiet and peaceful. Kate, Thomas and Lexie were all fast asleep. Which was quite unusual, but they weren't complaining about not having nightmares for once.

But shit went down from zero to one thousand real quick. Nine people break into the house, careful not to wake the sleeping Grimms. One takes out a scythe, another knocks over a vase by accident. "You idiot, you'll wake them" the first one says. Thomas who's a light sleeper heard the commotion from downstairs and went to check it out. He goes to his closet and moves away the clothes. He takes out a machete and reaches for the doorknob. Kate wakes up and sees him standing there "What's wrong, hon?" she asks "Someone's downstairs, let me go check it out" he says "Be careful" she tells him "Always am" he replies, Kate rolls her eyes at her husband. Thomas leaves the room and goes downstairs. Hushed voices can be heard through the hallways as Thomas sneaks down the stairs with his machete's in hand.  "Don't touch anything....." a bear like creature says in a hushed tone ".... We're here for the girl. We take her, kill the Grimms and get out.... that's it, no more no less." it adds "We should be careful, cover our tracks....." a hound like beast tells the group. "You're never getting her" Thomas says swing his machete's and cleanly takes of the head of the one standing closest to him. They fought a little while and he managed to kill five in total before..... His head is slashed of with the scythe, blood splashing everywhere. His head falls on the ground and rolls up to the feet of one of the intruders, his body soon falls to the ground. 

The four remaining people went up the stairs, loudly. Kate immediately knew her husband didn't make it and that she was next, she was most certain they came for Lexie..... She would protect her whatever it took, she would protect her daughter. Kate takes her daughter out of the crib and holds her close for a second, not knowing if she would ever see her again. Kate gives Lexie a kiss on her forehead, tears stream down her face as she opens the closet and softly puts the infant inside. She places one last kiss on her forehead before placing some of the clothes over her and closing the doors of the closet.

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