Another Day.

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I hear my alarm buzzing with the lyrics "Sticks and stones are never gonna break me, take me away. I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine."
Same stupid song playing as my alarm every morning. Full of lies.
I cried myself to sleep last night.
Not surprising.
I struggled to get out of bed, when I finally found the energy too, after sitting there for 20 minutes debating wether I should fake being sick or not to avoid school,
I finally thought "Do it for Gurnoor." She was my best friend, who knows everything. I trust her with my life,
I walked to my bathroom while rubbing my eyes in circles with my palm. I opened the bathroom door, to see myself in the mirror. Dry mascara and eyeliner forming bags under my eyes from crying. I went to wash my face, I reach for the bottle when I see my wrist. Dry blood all over my arm.
I look down at my pajama bottoms, more blood.
"Great. Just what I need." I mumble under my breathe.
When I finish getting ready, I go out and wait for the school bus.
I plug my headphones in, and browse my music.
I land on "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens.
I tap my feet to the beat as I wait for the school bus to hell.
I had only had 6 more days of school until summer break. Then I would graduate high school, and it will all be over.
I hadn't really planned on going to college because I didn't really see the point, I'll probably just work at some stupid grocery store.
I saw the bus at the end of the road, I put my backpack on that had been on the floor at my feet.
The bus pulls up, I stand infront of the door waiting for it to open, I take a deep breathe. And walk on.
Everybody staring at you, while you search for a seat.
Walking down the aisle, is the worst feeling ever,
Especially when you don't have friends waiting for you.
The whole ride to school, I had my headphones in, staring out the window watching the neighborhood pass me by.
I stepped off the bus awkwardly and walked towards my home room class,
"Oh watch out, wildebeest coming through." Lorenzo said. His friends laughed and high-fived.
Lorenzo and his friends are the "popular" "jock" "sporty" kids.
The teachers treat them like angels just because they win stupid medals for this school.
Its pathetic.
Then there's Megan.
Also the "popular" bitch.
Everybody adored her because of her looks.
Deep inside, she's nothing but a bitch.
She always makes snobby rude comments to me,
for no reason.
No reason.


As the day was coming to an end,
I was already ready to just go home and sink into my bed.
Just 30 more minutes.

I had survived another day in highschool.

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