Finally Jongup's Boyfriend

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Jongup couldn't concentrate in class. He was feeling quite moody and upset because after he showed Himchan the text message from Yixing who actually gave the last blessing, the older guy just left saying that they'll see each other tomorrow which is supposedly today and probably later after school. He had expected for Himchan to ask him to be his boyfriend right then and there or at least give him a kiss before leaving, but apparently, Himchan seems to have other things in mind which he hoped to find out soon.

When class ended, Jongup was surprised to find Himchan with a motorcycle at the school gate. Himchan threw his extra helmet to Jongup which the younger guy caught easily.

"Should I take you to the dance studio or to our first date?"

"You really had to ask?" Jongup put on the helmet and sat behind Himchan on the motorcycle. "Let's go to our first date."


"You're taking me to an ally for our first date?" Jongup asked as Himchan parked the motorcycle at an alley.

"No. We still need to go up." Himchan pointed at the black staircase by the wall of the building which was obviously an emergency fire exit.

"You're gonna let me climb up to 10 floors? Why couldn't we just use an elevator inside the building?" Jongup complained as he could feel his knees getting tired from climbing up the stairs.

"Because I didn't ask permission from their management as to what I did," Himchan admitted guiltily. "I did have someone from the building to back me up, so we won't get in trouble if ever."

"Good because I wouldn't want us to have any trouble on our first date," Jongup said breathlessly as he reached the rooftop of the building. First, he was breathless from climbing up the 10-floor staircase. Second, he was breathless at the sight of what looked to be a romantic dinner set up on the rooftop with the rest of the city as their view. "From what movie or drama did you decide to follow this?"

"I didn't follow it from a movie or drama though I'm pretty sure there is such a scene in one of them. I just thought of taking you on a date where I haven't taken anyone else before. It wasn't easy to think considering how many ex-boyfriends I had." Himchan pulled out a chair for Jongup to sit on. He picked up the cover to reveal the food which consists of chicken, pasta, and a cake with an icing on top that read Will you be my boyfriend?

Jongup raised an eyebrow on the cake and commented, "You are actually pretty cheesy."

"I still need an answer to the question on the cake. I need to know if we're going to have dinner here in the next few minutes or if I should just clean up the setting and give the food to the people in this building." Though Himchan knew they have mutual feelings, he was still scared that Jongup might change his mind and reject him for whatever reasons.

Jongup dipped his finger on the icing, smudging the word boyfriend. He placed the icing on Himchan's lips and kissed him. "Yes. Now, let's have dinner. I'm starving from climbing all those stairs."

Date: October 20, 2013
Time: 5:30 PM
Place: TS Apartment Complex Rooftop

Himchan and Jongup officially became a couple.


A/N: OMG! I would like to congratulate myself for finally completing this fic. Hahahaha!!

Anyway, please comment!!! It would mean so much to me. It doesn't matter if you're an old reader or new reader of this fic. Just... let me know how you think/feel of this fic!!!

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