Dead Heart *Ziam*

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~Welcome to our story! Yes, OUR. It is us, @isn't_harry_lovely and @5mofosruinedme!! We decided to run a story together (: because we are best friends and we both love to write, so why not? Haha so sit tight and enjoy !!


"Thank you Liam, that was the best night ever" Zayn smiled from the passenger side of the seat

"It's was no problem baby, I love you" Liam cooed, locking his attention to the road

"You're the bestest ever Liam, I love you too" Zayn giggled from his seat, pushing his glasses back up his nose

Liam couldn't help himself, he tried, he really did, but hearing those giggles, he just had to turn around and steal a quick glance at Zayn

He was admiring Zayn's facial features, to his high defined cheekbones, to his sharp as a knife jawline, to his red pouty lips

"LIAM! LOOK OUT!" Zayn screamed, breaking Liam out of his trance as he saw two pair of bright lights speeding their way

Liam swerved the car, but he wasn't fast enough as the car hurtled full speed into Liam's car, hitting Zayn's side badly

Glass was flying everywhere, a tire flew over head, and Liam's safety airbag popped from the wheel, a loud ear piercing scream was heard, the car was flying through the now bitter cold summer air

When the car stopped moving, Liam immediately looked to his right, he almost fainted at what he saw

There, in the seat next to him, lay a lifeless Zayn, his eyes kept fluttering slowly, as if he was struggling to stay awake, he had a huge chunk of glass on the side of his face, and a piece of metal lodged in his arm, and his leg as twisted a way it shouldn't have been twisted

"Oh my God" Liam whispered, he had tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused for them to fall

He quickly reached in to his pocket, grabbing his phone and dialing 911 as fast as his shaking finger could

"911 what's your emergency?"

"T-their was a car crash, 'm f-fine but my b-boyfriend...h-he isn't"

"Stay calm, where are you"

Liam gave the professional sounding lady the address he was at in a slow shaking voice

"We'll be their as soon as possible, keep talking to him, don't stop no matter what" the lady instructed sternly

Liam hung up the phone and threw off his seatbelt, and climbed out of the car, he walked as fast as his shaking legs could take him to Zayn's side and threw the badly dented door out of the way

"Hold on Zayn, don't give up yet, y-you'll be fine, j-just stay with me, you'll be fine, I-I love you"

Liam took Zayn out of his seatbelt, picking him up bridal style. He shakily walked over to the grass and sat down.

"B-Baby its g-going to be o-okay, don't g-give up,"

Tears dropping on to Zayn's pale growing face. He rocked back and forth, shaking his head and holding Zayn tight. He took one of his hands from underneath Zayn's body and started to feel up his pocket. He then pulled out a box. A small black velvet box.

"You s-see this Zayn? This is f-for you. There is a r-ring in there,"

He smiled sadly in the middle of his speaking.

"I was g-going to p-propose. I'm g-going to, you a-aren't g-giving up on m-me. Z-Zayn Javaad M-Malik w-will you m-marry me?"

Liam cried harder, as he opened the box, taking the ring out and putting it on the cold, rested ring finger.

"See? P-Perfect fit."

Liam kissed Zayn's forehead, and started rocking back and forth holding Zayn even closer to his chest.

"I'm sorry if I couldn't get to you."

A sad melody played in Liam's head, a small arousing of Zayn's chest caused him to stop Liam from shaking.

"Zayn? Are you here with me? Please Zayn, please don't leave me!"

"I-I'm n-not g-going anyw-where"

Zayn hurtfully whispered.


Liam hugged him tightly. Kissing every inch of his still very cold face. He kissed his cold, chapped lips over and over.

"Y-Yes, I-I w-will m-marry you."

Zayn said slowly, before he laid his head back, his mouth wide open. The sirens were coming .

"Zayn? Zayn don't leave me! NO ZAYN NO! YOU CANT LEAVE ME! NO YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY!" Liam yelled with a hysterical cry.

The sirens were starting to fade. Not for Liam, but for Zayn. Zayn is fighting for his life. He won't go with out a fight.

"Zayn? Z..."

Is all Zayn heard before everything went black

Dead Heart *Ziam*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن