Chapter 9

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"What's your background, Jansen?" Jude asked as we traipsed to our allocated practice room.

"I picked up my sister's violin when I was five and started to copy her. When I proved my skills, my parents agreed to pay for lessons."

"And you lived in Holland before you came here?"

"Yes, we moved from Nijmegen to Amsterdam when I was eleven."

"So what made you leave? Why come here rather than stay at the Conservatorium?"

"My father's senior vice president of a marketing consultancy and the company transferred him over here on a two-year contract. I could have stayed behind, but Holborn has a reputation for being the best, and I didn't want to pass up the opportunity. How about you two?"

Jude answered first. "Similar start. I played the cello at school in England to avoid gym class, and when I didn't burst my parents' eardrums, they forked out for extra tuition. But I moved here to get away from my parents, not stick with them." He paused and wrinkled his nose. "Although it's kind of quiet on campus. I'm gonna start heading out in the evenings to find out what Boston has to offer, if you'd care to join me?"

"I've never been a fan of nightclubs. I prefer my music classical. And you, Akari? Should I call you Akari? Or do you shorten it?"

In my sheltered life, I'd never met a Dutch person before. Was Jansen's abrasive tone typical of the region or down to his manner?

"Akari's fine. I started playing the piano when I was young, but I had a break for a few years, so I'm not as advanced as the others here."

"Why would you have a break?" He sounded shocked at the concept. "Either music's in your blood, or it isn't."

"Circumstances beyond my control. Now that I'm able to play again, I have no intention of stopping." I had no intention of telling a stranger about the reasons for my hiatus either. "How do you want to start the Schubert? Should we play individually first?"

I relaxed a little when I found Jansen's playing to be competent. He lacked Brigitte's flair, but he got the notes right and his tempo was spot on. Perhaps we'd survive next week's performance after all? With our impending performance in mind, we played for the rest of the morning, until our grumbling stomachs reminded us they needed food.

"What's the cafeteria like?" Jansen asked me as Jude led the way downstairs.

"Not bad. I mean, considering it's free." Holborn provided meals for each student as part of our scholarship, although I preferred to eat my dinner at home with Sofia. Having crowds of people around me while I dined reminded me of meals in Colombia, where I ate at a communal table or I didn't eat at all.

I helped myself to a plateful of food from the buffet and found a table in a quiet corner, but before I managed to take a mouthful, Jansen squashed onto the bench next to me and Jude sat down opposite.

Jansen picked at his hamburger before covering it with ketchup. "The food in Amsterdam was better."

Jude shrugged. "Whatever. Nothing beats fries."

Jansen shuffled closer until his thigh touched mine, and with the wall in the way, there was nowhere for me to go. The forkful of pasta I'd just swallowed stuck in my throat as he fixed his eyes on me.

"You like the spaghetti?" he asked.

"It's great. Delicious."

"It's overcooked." His tone made it clear he didn't believe a word I said.

"I'm just not all that hungry."

"How about I take you somewhere that serves better food after class?" He leaned over and peered at the mess I'd made on my plate, crowding me.

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