The End.

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I have resigned now. This is too much. They betrayed us and fuelled us with their lies in those propagandas. They promised us; they promised they'd come back soon, they promised it was good for us – a chance to show our love for this country but what sort of love involves the death of the ones close to you for a piece dust and mud. Corrupted power consumed by greed for more land; more authority dragged us here, their decision sealing our fate. How dare they? Who gave a being such powers to control millions of fate? Oma died, Jasper died and now I will die.

I miss Chris so much, I want to relive the moments where I was in his arms, looking up at his eyes that shined with affection.

I received another letter:

My sweetheart, my darling,

I can't take this anymore, the war is a living hell, all my comrades are dying one by one and before I know it, it will be my turn to die. I'm scared that I don't have enough time, darling, my dearest...

Don't wait for me.

Emily's father may not be there physically, but forever will be by her side, in heart and memory. Always tell her that I loved her; never let her feel the absence of her father.

I have loved you and will always love you.

I wish to wake up one more time next to you, hand in hand.

I wish to see your beautiful face again, with that gentle smile graced upon your lips.

Take care, my love.

Your Chris.

My name is Sumon Stone, wife of Christopher Stone, victim to a cruel war, failed mother.

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