My Only Friend.

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The factory accepted my application and now it has been a week since I started working. My employer allowed me to work only 4 days a week because of my baby. I also befriended a lovely woman named Oma who was unfortunately diagnosed with the sickness caused by the toxicity in the factory. She was dying so I did my best to avoid the topic.

"What about your husband? How is he?" she asked.

"He has been sending me letters quite frequently. He says that he is fine but he could just be saying that to not make me worry..." I explained.

"He must really love you, Susan."

I smiled at the thought.

"I haven't received a letter or anything ever since my brother went to war." Oma sighed as she looked down to the floor.

"Stay strong, Oma. He is probably just very busy." I reassured her.

"You're right. I have to stay strong for him."

"Now enough of this serious talk, how about we go shopping this Saturday?"

I wanted her to enjoy the last days of her life.

- Time skip -

It's been a month since I started working and it is very quiet without Oma keeping me company. She was my only friend. All because of this war, she lost her life.

And I will be joining her soon.

I consulted the doctor to only discover that I am also suffering with the same sickness.

I'm dying.

Is my child even going to survive? It is not long until it is time for my child to be born. There is such a small chance that my child will survive but if he does, I pray that Chris will be alive and well to be both the mother and father for James. He is my only hope.

I received another letter from Chris:

Dear my darling Sumon,

I will assure you that I am absolutely fine, but the sorrowful thing is that Jasper and I got... Separated. I heard about the rations. Did Millie collect food for you? I asked our neighbours to look after you while I'm gone. And do tell Millie that Aaron is injured; he hasn't been able write her letters as his arms were blown off. Thank God that he managed to survive.

Take care, my love.

Your Chris.

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