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We get to Hogwarts and I wonder if Draco's father would ever accept me, we are not even together but I hate the fact that I'm not accepted. I walk to the slytherin common room and sit in front of the fire. It was so so cold here. I hear a loud thud coming from outside, it's Draco, his father is attacking him. I know he wouldn't want me to intervene but I couldn't just let him get hurt. I slowly walk out not wanting to be noticed. I over hear Lucius shout "you will never fall for that Potter girl, do you understand me, Draco?!"
I began to shake, I was going to run out when someone pulled me back. It was Snape " Lily you must go back to you dorm, do you understand" he whispers
"But I need to help Draco"
"Do as I say, I will get Mr Malfoy" I slowly nod and quietly walk away. I can hear all sorts of bang and clanking, spells being thrown left right and centre. Draco is in deep trouble I know he is.
It went silent so I look out of the window Lucius was gone so was snape, but Draco was just lying there not moving. I run to get to him. Holy shit, Draco.
He's lying in a pool of blood.
"Draco, can you hear me" he doesn't respond
I somehow take him to the hospital wing and he wakes up i was so happy. It's a week later who wouldn't be happy. We missed the ball but I really didn't care.
"Potter?" Draco said
"Yeah Draco."
"You must leave me alone. I do not wish for you to be around me. You Potters are no good. Stay away from me."
I was so hurt.
"Draco before I go because I am doing as you wish can you do something for me"
"What?!" He yells
"Kiss me, and tell me if you feel anything"
Draco looks around the room and no one is here.
"Come here then, potter."
I walk over to him slowly, I could see that he was biting his lip. He pulls me into the most amazing kiss I've ever experienced. I felt everything so much feelings I've never ever felt before. He pulls away.
"I felt nothing ." He said. And with that I left.
I must not have been looking where I was going as I bumped into snape.
"Lily, whatever's the matter?" He asks
"Nothing I'm fine, now if you don't mind sir, I will be going on a walk."
I'm walking round the castle and someone jumps in front of me
"Ahhh my Lily!!" Bellatrix chuckles
"Evening miss lestrange"
"You should be in bed why are you walking round the castle, girl?"
"Oh, just on a walk." I reply
"We need you to come tonight. Death eater business!" I nod to her and follow her out the castle, we fly to the malfoy manor.

"Ahhhh, Potter you're here are you?!" Lucius smirks
" I am that's right Mr Malfoy."
"Hello dear, I'm narcissa malfoy"
"It's lovely to meet you Mrs Malfoy" I really smiling
"Call me Narcissa "
I nod
I see Draco standing in the side of the room
"Ah you already know each other." Narcissa says.
I smile at her.
"Welcome everyone. You all know why I brought you here tonight. Draco needs to kill professor Dumbledore." The dark lord says
I look at Draco and he looks at me. He smirks wickedly.
"Now. Draco, you may chose one person to help you with this deed."
He looks at me again
"I choose Potter."
"Very well draco, you know what you must do."
"Actually I will. I will prove to you that I am good enough to be with your son. After all I am a slytherin." I reply calmly
Draco and I make our way to Hogwarts he didn't say a word but he kept hold of my hand as I was nervous. Dumbledore was standing in the tower almost like he was waiting for us.
"Evening Lily, evening Draco."
"Hello professor lovely to see you."I say smirking wickedly
"What brings you two here?"
Draco and I lift up our sleeves to show our dark marks
"We were chosen. We have to do this!" Draco yells
"If we don't he'll kill Lily! And I can't live without her!" He continues
He does care about me. I raise my wand I notice Harry is watching. Draco was lowering his wand I kept on raising mine. Tears in my eyes I shout "avada kedavra!!" And with that he was dead. Bellatrix runs over to congratulate me on mastering that spell. I was shaking, I've actually killed a person and not just any person albus Dumbledore.
"Well done lily" Draco said
"Ahhhh, such a brave girl you are . Killing someone so I would let you be with my son. But remember this child, my son does not know how to love. Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." Lucius says
"Good job dear" narssica says
"Lily, you done well." I hear the dark lord say
Draco slowly comes over and hugs me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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