Untitled Part 3

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I wake up bright and early to the sound of running water hitting the castle Windows, I was worn out I had such a long day yesterday. I understand why my ring glows but I don't understand why it did when Severus spoke to me, maybe like I said it was because I was looking at Harry but it also happened when I spoke to Draco. I get up out of bed have a shower and get ready for my first proper day at Hogwarts. Draco is already awake but it looked like he hadn't even been to sleep to be fair. 

" morning potter" Draco says 

"Hi Draco, you do know you can call me Lily" 

He chooses to ignore my comment and carry on looking into the deep red fire that was burning. I could hear strange noises coming from the fire. It sounded like someone was saying "kill. Kill" over and over again. I feel myself tense up but I just brush it off as I don't want to look like a fool. Another thing you should know about me is that I can read minds of other people. I can hear and see people's thoughts. I go off to the great hall and have my breakfast, I notice Professor Snape deep in thought I smile at him and he smiles back. Harry comes over to talk to me and my ring glows again. It just must be when I see Harry as he's my brother. We go off to class we have a lesson with Snape. I get sat next to Draco and his two friends that haven't even spoke to me or told me there names. Rude. I think to myself. I can hear that Draco is thinking about me, thinking I'm beautiful. I blush at the thought of this as I will admit he is very gorgeous. I must concentrate on my lessons though I can't afford to be distracted by a boy. Snape never took his eyes off me which I will admit was a bit strange but something made me strangely attracted to him. I wanted to find out more about him. The class had finished and I had stayed back as I wanted to speak to Snape. 

"Excuse me sir?"

"Yes Miss Potter." He said rather bored 

"I have a question for you. Well a few actually" 

"Go on?" 

"You see I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me and i can read people's minds and also my ring that only glows when I "love" someone keeps glowing but I don't love anyone apart from Harry. Is this normal that I can read people's minds and I can make bad things happen. Like one time I made Aunt Petunia eat frogs and then she was sick. But she called me a "freak". "

"Miss Potter. You must try and learn to control your powers such as reading people's minds. I can help you with that. Don't worry. But I'm afraid I can't answer for your ring, I'm sorry. Another thing,you aren't a freak, you just didn't know how to use your powers. We can help you control them" 

" thank you sir." 

"Please call me Severus, but only outside of class and make sure not students hear. And Lily?" 


"You look just like your mother you know. And who's mind could you read?" 

"Yeah I get that a lot. And Draco Malfoy's" 

"You read Mr Malfoys mind?" 

"Yes. But he doesn't know! Please don't tell him!" 

" I won't Lily. Just be careful."

"Always, I'm always careful. And I read something in the library" 

" what was that?"

"That you can only read a persons mind if they aren't fully paying attention so Draco mustn't have been paying attention for me to be able to read his mind, am I right?" 

" yes Miss Potter you are." 

Professor Dumbledore was standing at the door. 

"Excuse me professor but why were you listening to us?"  I ask shocked 

" I had came to speak to Professor Snape and I didn't want to interrupt you" 

"I will be leaving. See you later Professors" I say leaving the room rather annoyed what right did he have listening to mine and Snape's conversations anyway. 

I can hear Draco and Harry talking. Well fighting actually. They were in the boys bathroom but I knew I had to go in. I see a bloody Draco lying on the floor.

" Harry! What the fuck?! Oh my god Draco! " 

" Lily, I." Just eave I say annoyed and get Snape now!" 

I sit in  pool of Draco's blood stopping it I cry over him I haven't even know him a week yet and I'm already crying over him. Suddenly the blood starts to disappear I was left hugging him still slightly bloody but my ring was glowing like mad. Snape comes in. 

"What happened?" Snape asked annoyed 

"Well Harry and Draco were shouting and I could hear spells getting shouted as well and I knew there was something wrong with Draco I could just feel it. And I started crying and the blood went." 

"You have magic tears Lily" Dumbledore said  when did he get here. 

"We must take him to the hospital wing" Snape says 

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