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(A/N: This story is rated T, but Wattpad doesn't have that sort of rating... So if you guys think it should be an M, please tell me!!! I'm not sure myself. This chapter has some questionable actions on Megatron's side, but it's not yet over-the-top.)

Soundwave was silent as he watched Solis Arcana, the mysterious crimson femme that had shown up only a few days ago, sleep peacefully in her berth... It had taken a long time to convince her to go to sleep with him standing there, and he had a really bad helmache from the amount of arguing she had done with him.

Rolling his optics, Soundwave found that she was a little too headstrong... And too mysterious. Sure, he was a very mysterious mech to others, but she just totally bewildered him. She wasn't at all scared of him, and seemed to have a deep seeded hatred for Megatron.

Venting softly, Soundwave shook his helm. He still had too look into that and see what was going on there... Either Megatron or Solis were lying... If not both.

Truth be told, Soundwave felt slightly hurt that there might be the slightest chance of Megatron having not trusted him enough to tell him something, and it made his loyalty waver slightly.

Soundwave looked back over at Solis as she shifted in the berth, a tiny smile turning up the corners of his mouth as he watched her recharging... She looked so peaceful and beautiful. He had half a processor to go and join he- He shook her helm quickly, disbelief and abhorrence flooding his whole body that such a thought had actually passed through his processor. He was supposed to protect her, that's it! And he had absolutely zero right to even thinking of her that way.

Silently, Soundwave moved so that he wasn't facing her any longer, still surprised that he had thought of such a thing... He would do nothing to jeapordize her importance to their cause... If she even was.

Looking back over at her again, Soundwave began to wonder what secrets this warship really contained... What dark, twisted plans his lord might have for the femme... Or that just filled his processor and spark in general.

Soundwave frowned as he thought about it, scanning the femme's body and again trying to match her to any Decepticons aboard the warship, specifically Megatron. Maybe she was his daughter or something...

The result wasn't long in coming, and the same as the last four times he had tried it. No matches found. He would only be able to get exact results if he took energon from her, or some other sample, but he refused to do that... It would make his lord angry.

Soundwave growled softly and looked over at her again, frowning as he thought. She was a puzzle... And a terribly difficult one at that.

Venting, Soundwave straightened when he received a comm. from Lord Megatron, ordering him to bring Solis Arcana to him and then to go and look into one of the mines, which had failed to report in.

Moving at his slow, deliberate pace, Soundwave moved over to Solis' side, looking down at her for several clicks and thinking of what a shame it was to wake her up.

Finally, Soundwave reached out and shook her shoulder until her multi-coloured optics opened and she rolled over, jumping when she saw him so close to her.

Soundwave was silent as he splayed wording on his visor of what his orders were, watching as she vented and slowly rolled to her pedes, moving towards her berthroom door, opening it and waiting for him to follow.

The tall TIC noticed that Solis was trembling slightly, and he could read tension, apprehension and a slight hint of fear in how she stood and walked, further making him curious as to what was going on between her and Megatron, or if she wasn't just a prisoner that the warlord was trying to get information out of. His scans said that she was a virgin, which at least reassured him that Megatron wasn't abusing her in that way...


Solis walked into the throne room where the warlord sat, instinctively looking over her shoulder for Soundwave, only to see that he was no longer there, having lead her to the room before vanishing, off to wherever he was told.

Megatron saw her standing there, and smiled... Although it came out more like a smirk. "Ah, Solis." He said softly, motioning for her to come closer to him.

Carefully, the crimson femme looked around and noticed that the door was closed and locked, and no one else was in the room, which only heightened her nervousness as she approached the warlord, looking at the ground and trying to resist the urge to cross her arms, keeping them behind her back as she approached him, stopping only when she stood directly before him.

Silence fell for several moments and Solis looked up, noticing how Megatron looked her over with those red optics of his, making her tremble again slightly.

Megatron noticed and chuckled, holding out a servo. "Come, Solis." He ordered.

Slowly, Solis took his servo, only to be jerked forwards and against him, causing her to gasp and whimper softly... There were only two mechs she feared in life... Shockwave and Megatron... But now, the thought of being around Shockwave seemed like playing with a Cyberkitten.

"M-My lord." Solis stammered as he pulled her into his lap so that she faced him, his servos to her lower back keeping their bodies pressed together tightly.

Megatron smirked at her and cocked his helm. "Yes, Solis?" He asked in a sweet tone, scaring her more.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Solis asked, optics wide with fear as she straddled the warlord's lap, servos to his shoulders as she pushed back against him, beginning to panic.

Megatron chuckled and pulled her tighter against him, taking her servos and forcing them down to her sides. "Don't fight me, Solis... Otherwise we'll become sparkmates right now." He growled.

At his words, Solis ceased her desperate struggle, watching him with fear-filled optics and suddenly wishing that Soundwave was there... He might not stop his lord, but at least his presence would comfort her... She pushed that away as she looked at him. "Wh-what are you doing?" She asked as he nuzzled the side of her neck, causing her to shiver.

"Calm down, Solis... I said I would wait, did I not?" Megatron asked, pulling away from her. "We will not become sparkmates until you are able to... Which is only a few weeks away." The warlord smirked at her.

"Th-then what are you w-wanting?" Solis asked him with large optics.

Megatron laughed at her question, looking at her with a smirk. "A kiss, Solis." He responded calmly, his words causing her sparkbeat to increase. "A kiss."

Solis' spark was beating erratically as she tried to think of a way to get out of this. "B-But..." He cut her off, glaring at her. "Do not make me take it, Solis." He growled, his optics telling her what he would do if she didn't obey him.

Trembling, Solis sat there, optics wide, for several moments, considering on if she should obey him, or defy him... She looked at him as he waited impatiently for her response. "N-No."

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