Weapon X

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*Warning: There will be violence in this chapter.*
Dr. Henry Wu opened his eyes. He was in a large gray room with nothing but two chairs and a table. He tried to get up, but his arms were tied into the chair he was sitting in. Right then, someone opened the door. Dr. Henry Wu began to cuss as he saw the owner of BioSyn coming towards him, a tall and muscular man with a bald head and a goatee wearing a suit.

"What the hell do you guys want?!" Dr. Henry Wu growled.

"We have already gotten what we wanted. Henry, we would like to thank for letting our spy the location of  your dinosaur DNA. There is another anonymous spy that now knows every single creation you've created, including your defense projects. My name is Bryce by the way, and I am a huge fan of yours," the owner smirked, putting his hand forward to shake Dr. Henry Wu.

"How do you think I will shake your goddamn hand if my arms are tied to the fucking chair?! What do you even want from the DNA?!" Dr. Henry Wu yelled.

"Calm down buddy, we're just going to make better dinosaurs than you do. I mean, you have electric dinosaurs that could regenerate and get twice as powerful. That concept combines superheroes and dinosaurs which would really grab the attention of nerds and children, am I right? I mean, you guys are combining Thor, Deadpool, and a T-Rex at the same time! If you made those into attractions then you guys will profit millions of dollars more than you are right now. But us? We didn't leave those attractive killing machines alone. We already made two killing machines that would strike enough fear into people to gain more money and positive feedback than you guys will ever gain," Bryce coldly stated.

"You fucking bitch! You better untie me so I can punch you in the guts!" Dr. Henry Wu snapped.

"I do not see that as a valid reason to get untied," Bryce calmly and boldly said.

Dr. Henry Wu got hold of his pocket knife and managed to cut his way through the tough rope. Bryce stood up, but Dr. Henry Wu knocked him unconscious and proceeded to find their laboratory. Guards appeared and immediately pinned Dr. Henry Wu down. Before they could do anything, a loud roar was heard from outside the massive building.

"Indominus Rex... they really brought her here.." Dr. Henry Wu murmured. However, he did not mean BioSyn as he knew that this is the roar of his latest creation.

While the guards were in immense pain from the explosion of their eardrums caused by the roar, Dr. Henry Wu looked outside the nearest window. In the distance, a large thunderstorm was heading their way behind Indominus Rex. A small moment afterwards, four silhouettes appeared on the horizon. It was the four defense projects, which are inspired by the T-Rex, Triceratops, Microposaurus, and Pteranodon. Looking back at the mirror, Dr. Henry Wu realized that he had a black eye, but that didn't matter. It was the start of a battle.

Right then, the earth began to shake and a booming roar destroyed the windows. Fear filled Dr. Henry Wu. Out of the building came the silhouette of a monster that dwarfed any creature or hybrid Dr. Henry Wu ever made. From afar, the monster seemed similar to Godzilla with the dorsal spines poking out of its back, its blackish color, and terrifying and loud roar. Then Dr. Henry Wu saw the entire body of the monster. It was way much more intimidating than a Godzilla of its size.

A sound came behind Dr. Henry Wu, "Sir, let me introduce to you, Weapon X."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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