I watch as the large ship pulls up to the dock. Creaking as it comes to a slow stop. I look back to my sister and wave. I turn around and start the walk to the boat. Hopping on with no difficulty. The captain points me to a bunk. I walk towards it and listen for who's inside.
"Could Kaspin take any longer!" A boys voice pouts.
"Shut up already!" Now a girls voice
I turn the handle and walk in.

They all go silent. I set my stuff on the bed labeled "Kaspin"
"They sent a child?" The boy in the Samtonia labeled bed spits.
"I would say something, but I've been taught to respect my elder."  I lay down and look up at the bottom of the bunk above me.

Samtonia and Kaspin has been at war, but suddenly came to a truce for no explained reason. The king wouldn't tell me anything other than 'you'll find out soon enough'.

There is three people in the room with me. Samtonia, Dragonia and Malgica.
"Where are we headed next?" I ask.
"Jintopia then Hyria." The girl from Malgica says nicely. I nod even though she probably didn't even see. I fall asleep.

I awake to everyone gathering what they need. We get up and head to the kingdom. We enter the castle and stand in front of the king.
"Who are you!" He demands.
"Abby from Dragonia."
"Sam from Samtonia."
"Devin from Malgica."
"Kate from Kaspin."
I step back and look over at Devin. She fiddles with her thumbs.
"Okay, assassins have taken Hyria. We need you guards including one from my kingdom and one from Hyria to take them out before they get here and everywhere else."
Everyone nods and a soldier skips out.

"Hello! I'm Finn!"
I see a glimmer in Devin's eye and a slight smile for the first time in this kingdom. We take our leave and head to the ship. It's takes about an hour to get to Hyria.

The ship hits a bump and I go flying off the bed. I here a scoff from Sam.
"Would you just shut up? What do you even have against me?"
"Your annoying."
"I haven't even talked to you guys!"
He jumps down and gets in my face.
"Your face is enough, Princess."

I kick him into the wall.
Devin jumps down and pulls me out of the room. I take my dagger out of my belt and stab the wall.
"Maybe just chill out here till we get to Hyria." I nod and sit down.

"Land Ho!" Finn yells.
We all get off the boat and head for the castle. The head guard who is now having to take care of the kingdom approaches us.
"Are you guys sent from the kingdoms?" He asked frantic.
We nod with a chorus of yes sirs.
"They are in the castle! Take Matthias and go!" He yells. A boy with blond hair and blue eyes comes over.
"Follow me!"

We get to the castle and sneak in. We enter the throne room to be met with many assassins with one holding the king hostage.
"I'll sneak around." I whisper. They begin to battle while I sneak around the balcony. I slide down a pole and stab the assassin in the back of the neck. Shortly edited escorting the King to safety.

I run back to fight and help finish them off. While fighting one, another guy comes behind me and lifts me up with his dagger to my neck.
"Stop!" He demands. I try kicking free and all the others stop. I hide the fear on my face and grit my teeth.

I count four of us. Matthias is missing! I frantically look around and see him on the balcony with his bow. I shut my eyes as I feel the wind from the arrow. I am dropped back to the ground as we finish off the rest of the assassins. We all take a breath.

"Thank you." I turn to Matthias.
"It's no problem." He smiles at me. "I'm Matthias."
"I'm Kate."
"Hey princess and pretty boy we gotta get going! Their next move is-" Abby pauses.
"Their next move is Samtonia."

"How do you know!" Sam yells.
She hands him a planning book.

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