Chapter 3

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Sting's POV
"Come on let's go to the bar." I said and hugged Rouge from behind. I looked at his neck, for some strange reason I wanted to bite it.

What the hell! I was never watching a vampire movie again! Edward was rubbing off on me.

I quickly let go. "Sting you okay?" Rouge asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I said and gave him my winning smile.

"So are we going to the bar or what!" I asked. Rouge groaned. "Fine."

"Yay!" I clapped while jumping up and down. Rouge rolled his eyes. Again.

"Let's go." I yelled and pulled him along.

We arrived at the local bar, Spots and Stripes. Ha! More like shots and strippers.

We walked past the rowdy table groups and took our seats on some bar stools.

The owner of the joint came up to us. "Ah Sting, and Rouge, what can I get for ya?" The man asked a pen and paper in his hand.

"Your best white wine." I said cheerfully, swishing my legs back and forth.

"Water." Rouge muttered not looking up. "Oh come on live a little." The man said and set a hand on Rouge's shoulder.

I tensed. My vision seemed to be outlined in red. How dare he lay a hand on Rouge. I growled deep in my throat.

The man got the point and moved away but Rouge didn't seem to notice. "Um I'll go get your ah... uh.. drinks." He said and fled behind the counter. (I'm sorry I tried to make him sound like he had an Italian accent, forgive me Italy for I have sinned)

I shook my head, ugh what was wrong with me?

"Hey hon." A girl said coming up to me. She had purple hair and a hungry look in her eyes that screamed that she wanted to get in my pants. Usually I was all for that kinda stuff but not right now. All I wanted to do is hang out with MY Rouge.

Wait! My Rouge! I mean ah Rouge, my um... ah... partner. Yes that's what he was, just my partner. I felt my heart droop.

Rouge's POV
I glared at the girl from behind Sting's back. Ugh, all she wanted to do was hook up with him, she didn't care what kind of person he actually was and that made me want to punch something.

I balled my fists, and grated my teeth together, shadows leaked from me and they started to cover the floor.

The girl's eyes widened in fear and she quickly took her leave. Once she was gone I settled down and the shadows faded.

Sting turned back to me not noticing anything was wrong. Why did I do that? For some reason I felt extra angry, usually I'd just be annoyed.

"Hey Rouge." A gruff voice said and I turned to see Gajeel.

What was he doing here. "Gajeel?" I blinked confused.

"Need to talk to you for a second. That okay with you." He asked like he was addressing me thou he looked passed me at Sting.

I got up. "I'll be back in a minute." I said.

"Yeah whatever." Sting waved us off. "Go have your brooding moody talk."

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." Gajeel grunted and led me outside the bar.

As soon as we were out of sight at the side of the building he said. "Alright do you know?"

"Know what?" I asked confused.

Gajeel sighed as if his job just got a whole lot harder. "Bout dragon season?"

"Dragon season?" I repeated. What was that?

"Okay I guess I'm gonna have to explain it." Gajeel sighed. "Blah blah blah, when dragon slayers reach a certain age, I think It's like about twenty but I dunno, they go through something called dragon season. It's when dragons and dragon slayers find their mates, I know because me and Levy went through it bout a year or so back. Anyways it has some side affects and there's is this weird process, first of all your power gets amped up because it's something about fighting with another dragon over a mate or to protect your mate, that kinda shit."

So that's why me and Sting's attacks where so much stronger.

Gajeel continued on. "Then you'll get head aches if your not near them, next you feel protective of the person and don't want others to be close to them, then you'll have to mark them claiming them as yours forever yada yada yada. You can try to resist it but it's very difficult. I didn't even last a week. Basically you do some crazy shit you normally wouldn't do lightly." Gajeel said.

"Why aren't you telling Sting?" I asked and Gajeel gave me a look, his pierced eye brows raised. "Rouge I know you like him."

"Wh-what?" I sputtered. Gajeel shrugged. "I don't care really if you swing that way. You can decide whether to tell Sting or not. But I suggest you don't go out a lot because you might try and attack someone if they get to close to him."

I blinked processing that.

"Well see ya. I gotta get back to Levy but I just thought you outta know." He said and as quick as he arrived he was gone.

Gajeel likes to be mysterious, he seems all creepy but in his head he is like a little kid thinking of how cool he is acting lol >.<
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