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Mingan ignored them, running his gloved fingertips lightly over the drawings, muttering softly as he did so. She could feel a tingle as each one seemed to flair to life and pulled back from his touch.

“Sorry,” he rumbled, “Should have warned you... Checking them. It’ll tingle.”

Belita nodded and Elloreah hugged her even more tightly.

“As fine as these are, a wrong stroke could alter the spell. Elloreah did a good job, though. To the human eye, they are ordinary tattoo work, but to a Mythic, they are unmistakable for what they are.” He grabbed the pen and made a small alteration as he worked. Soon enough, he’d gone through every line and turned to ready the equipment.

Belita stiffened once more, hearing the needle buzz to life. Elloreah’s voice came again in her ear. “I will absorb the pain...”

“No,” Mingan snapped. “The pain is part of the process. It helps set the runes. Your body will remember even as they fade.”

Elloreah sighed, “I will draw as much as I am able if it gets to be too much.” She turned her attention to MIngan. “Can’t have her jumping around or passing out, can you?”

“Give the girl some credit, Elloreah. It’s the finest needle they make. The gun makes the process quick. There will be no need.” He dipped the needle into the ink and then his gloved finger tip into a droplet that fell onto the tray. He then turned and touched Belita on her forearm with the ink. “See, that is the color. Brown, not black. It will fade slightly, but will not stand out as black would.

Belita nodded, “I see...”

“I know you do not wish this to alter your appearance greatly, and this is the best I can offer.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, looking into those glowing gold eyes of his. The power in them seemed to pulse and ebb. While there was a great feeling of ‘otherness’ within those eyes, she did not feel afraid. Simply in awe. There was benevolence there, yet still, somehow, human as Elloreah was. It was strange to be amongst what she would have once considered to be gods, or angels, and yet, they were as flawed, scarred and wrought with emotions.

“Are you ready?” he asked, holding the gun up to her shoulder. “Its important you relax. Would you like me to tell you a story as I work?”

She nodded and leaned back into Elloreah’s embrace, letting the warmth comfort and envelop her.

“I don’t know how much Elloreah has told you about who and what we are. Some call us gods among men, some have less favorable terms. We spawn legends and myth when we over step our bounds..."

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