One Last Thing...

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It's been almost a year since you started ruining my life and made it hell for no fucking reason and left me broken for 7 months after. You've been the only negativity in my life as of late. I have an amazing boyfriend, fun friends, a job, I'm cheering again, I'm in AP classes and my grades are good and I'm accepted to college and I'm just happy. Except for that little piece that you left broken that won't heal. It's at the wee hours of the morning that I'm awake thinking about the resentment. The anger. The strife. The absolute and utter HATRED. Every time I see you I want to hurt you and make you feel how I felt when you destroyed me. I want to claw you down to my lowest point and keep you there so you can feel the burn. The sting. The ache. And after I'm done being angry, there's so much guilt. I'm so insecure about accepting love and it's unfair to my boyfriend because I shouldn't be thinking about you. And it's unfair to myself because I'm keeping myself in the fire and letting it burn me alive.

So, I forgive you.

I'm done being angry at you.

I'm done letting you still have a place in my life, even if it's so terrifyingly negative.

And I know you're never going to see this and you probably will never talk to me again anyways, but this matters to me because I'm letting go of the last thing keeping me from being truly happy.

So goodbye, M.



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