The Impossible Angel - Part 5

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The Doctor was hopping energetically around the console.


            “You know where they are then?” I asked him, already knowing the answer.

“Yes!  They’re in quite an obvious place, really.  Should’ve seen it sooner.” He paused in his unique dance to look at me.  “Hold on tight!” he grinned.

I grabbed hold of the railing as the TARDIS began jerking and moving. 

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I yelled.

The Doctor laughed.  As soon as it had started, it stopped and the TARDIS was unnaturally still.  The lights dimmed momentarily before coming back on full blast.

“Well?  Where are we?” I asked.

“Exactly where we were,” the Doctor replied.

“Right, so we’re at my house?  Why did we need to get our brains thrown around?  Why didn’t we just step out?”

“Because they’re one second ahead,” 

“Oh,” I said.  There was a pause.  “That’s not very original.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t.  Oh well, moving on.” 

The Doctor led the way out of the TARDIS and when I stepped out, he closed the door behind me.  Smiling, he led the way to the house.  We skipped inside, happy as can be.  A little girl was singing a nursery rhyme.  Why was there a little girl in my house?  I don’t know.   We made our way to the front room where Amy, Rory and Brent were having tea and cookies with a pink fluffy Silence/Angel. 

“Hello, chaps!” The Doctor exclaimed. 

“Hello, Doctor!” They all chorused.

“Can we join you?” I asked.

“Of course, we’re all having a right good time here, and the more the merrier!” Amy replied.

So we all sat down and had tea and cookies, talked about our lives and had generally a wonderful time.  Then after, the Silence/Angel joined us on our travels trough time and space.  Eventually, River married the Doctor, Amy and Rory were already married; Brent married the pink fluffy Silence/Angel (they now have three kids).

I, however, ended up regenerating into a man and marrying my previous self.  That was weird. 

And we all lived happily ever after.



In my defense, can I just say, I have no idea what was going through my mind when I did this.  But it's pretty amazing, right?  This isn't the end either, I'll be uploading part six .... NOW! =D

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