The Impossible Angel - Part 4

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The Doctor was hopping around the console energetically.


“You know where they are then?” I asked him, already knowing the answer.

“Yes!  They’re in quite an obvious place, really.  Should’ve seen it sooner.” He paused in his unique dance to look at me.  “Hold on tight!” he grinned.

I grabbed hold of the railing as the TARDIS began jerking and moving. 

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I yelled.

The Doctor laughed.  As suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and the TARDIS was unnaturally still.  The lights dimmed momentarily before coming back on full blast.

“Well?  Where are we?” I asked.

“Exactly where we were,” the Doctor replied.

“Right, so we’re at my house?  Why did we need to get our brains thrown around?  Why didn’t we just step out?”

“Because they’re one second ahead,” 

“Oh,” I said.  There was a pause.  “That’s not very original.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t.  Oh well, moving on.” 

The Doctor led the way out of the TARDIS and when I stepped out, he closed the door behind me.  There seemed to be something troubling him.  His face was grim.  I studied his face.  There was definitely something wrong here.

“Doctor,” I began cautiously, “is everything alright?”

His grim expression dropped and was immediately covered with a mask of happiness.  But I could see it in his eyes.  In his eyes, there was most definitely wrong. “I’m fine,” he answered smiling.

“No you’re not,” I murmured almost inaudibly as the Doctor began striding towards the house.

“Oh, Sarah,” he said, turning to me, “Don’t use your remote unless there is no other option.  It is a last resort.  Do you understand me?”

I was confused as to why he might say this, but I nodded and he entered the house, myself following shortly after.  I looked around expecting there to be Angels and the Silence everywhere, but the room was empty. 

“Where are they?” I asked quietly.

A voice floated through the house.  The voice was eerily childish and ghostly.

“Tick, tock, goes the clock…”

“This way,” the Doctor said, his face once again grim.  He began walking to the front of the house.  I followed uncertainly.

“Even for the Doctor…” The creepy childish voice came again.

“Doctor, what does that mean?” I asked him uncertainly.

The Doctor didn’t answer and instead went into the living room.  I followed him.  There, in the centre of the room, tied to each other and presumably, hopefully, sleeping was Amy, Rory and Brent.

I stifled a gasp.  “Doctor… Doctor, they’re not…?”

“No.” The Doctor answered in such a curt and harsh way I was almost frightened.

“Doctor…” A rasping voice came from behind me and I whipped around to see the most gruesome monstrosity I had ever laid my eyes on.  Having seen pictures of the Angels, I was assuming the creatures would look something like that.  But this was something else.  I wanted nothing more than to look away, but before I could, the Doctor said “Sarah! Keep your eyes on it! Do not look away!”

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