42 ; home is where you are

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"There." Mao set the box of letters on her new white desk; it was the last item to be moved into her new bedroom.

She couldn't wait to start writing the letters back to Tsubaki, but her stomach couldn't last much longer.

She trudged out of her cozy bedroom and down the new hallways; it still smelled of fresh paint. Mao wrinkled her nose. It didn't smell very nice, but she didn't mind it too much. She opened her fridge and got out some frozen pasta before turning the stove on and boiling the water.

After dumping the uncooked pasta into the pot, she smelled something different. Narrowing her eyes, Mao followed the smell- and found herself in her bedroom.

Nothing has changed, so Mao shrugged it off. She sat down on her new bed, smoothing down the crinkled sheets and began to space out, staring at the pristine, white walls that desperately needed some livening up.

"Home..." she murmured and flopped down on her bed, staring up at the small lightbulb on the ceiling. After laying down for quite some time, Mao got up and sat down at her desk then dipped her pen in ink and began bwriting back to Tsubaki.

23 Nov, 8.39pm


You know, I wish that you'd come back. I've set up my bedroom in my new place, and it's big enough to fit two people.

You told me we would be getting married in a year, but you left. Tsu-baka, I am hopelessly in love with you, and if you don't come to me, I'll go find you. Home is where you are, and everybody needs a home.

Oh dear

Mao stopped writing when she hummed and inhaled deeply, smelling the delicious scent of pasta sauce mixed in with melted cheese.

She frowned.

Something didn't add up. Mao's eyes flew wide open and she dropped her pen, pushing her chair backwards and stumbling off, running down the stairs. Panting deeply, she reached the stove and saw that it was already in the sink and two plates were sitting neatly on the bench top. Mao stuttered out incoherent jumbles before whipping around when she heard a noise.

Nothing was there.

Then something was, and she couldn't help sniffling and tearing up when she saw Tsubaki's crimson gaze serenely looking at her, his kimono casually hanging off one shoulder and a hand grasping her new, unfinished letter.

God damn, he was beautiful. He ran his slim fingers through his raven coloured hair before unsurely taking a step towards her, his sandals making almost no sound. Mao's eyes watered and she clamped a trembling hand over her mouth as a plethora of emotions swamped her. She gulped for air and took an unsure step towards him. Her lips trembled as she took another step, and another, then stumbled forwards, running into his arms and colliding with him, tears falling freely down both of their cold cheeks. She could smell him; the slightly musty, pine smell was something that she missed so much that her heart ached.

Tsubaki could smell the faint apple scent that she always carried around, and the smell after the rain always lingered with her too. He buried his face in her hair and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he hugged her closer. His worst mistake was letting her go, and he would make sure that it would never happen again.

Mao buried her face in Tsubaki's chest, planting small kisses every now and then and continuing to squeeze him tighter and tighter. She had him now, and she was going to make sure that she would never let him go.

Mao felt a pair of soft lips on the top of her head and a gentle hand running through her hair, the lips moving down to find hers as Tsubaki lifted her head up.

"Home is where you are," Tsubaki's soft, vulnerable voice was almost inaudible, but Mao heard his whisper clearly, and that was enough.

For now, they wouldn't talk, only embrace each other in a long overdue hug, and they would kiss and kiss and run out of the house before kissing under the stars, with laughter and tears and more kisses as their only communication.

It was okay though, because no words were needed, since they were both content in knowing that they were here next to each other.

Sorry for such a late update! Also, since this is quite rushed, I will be editing it later on to make it better :)

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