The Hunt Begins

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"And here we go," Tony said as he opened the door for Tali. "My home."

Tali gasped as she ran inside. Then she stopped. Tony looked in and his heart began beating fast. His apartment had been broken into. It was a wreck.

Tony ran in and looked around. No trace of blood, but based on Ziva's surety of mind, he knew that it was Mossad. He heard a phone ringing.

He found a burner phone in the couch and answered. "Hello? Who is this."

"Agent DiNozzo."

It was the director of Mossad. "What do you want? Did you do this?"

"We know you met with Ziva, Anthony. Tell us where she is."

"Why are you trying to kill her?"

"Not just her..." the way the director said this sent a chill over Tony.

"Go check in the fridge." Click

Tony walked to the fridge, leaving Tali looking at pictures. He didn't even have to open it. He heard the beeping.

"Tali!!" He ran to the living room and grabbed Tali without stopping.

He ran through the fire escape door, setting off alarms and getting any non-working citizens out of the apartments.

A few moments later...


Tony held Tali close to his chest under a blanket. She was crying from the sound that she didn't like. Tony rubbed her head, staring at the mess.

"I guess I won't have to tell Ziva about the triple homocide after all..." Tony murmured.


After the fire department got there, Tony decided to go to Gibbs house. However, Gibbs walked up to him.

"G-Gibbs!" Tony stuttered. "I- uh- this isn't my fault."

Gibbs looked at the building, then back at Tony. "You ok, dinozzo?"

"No... my fridge, gibbs! They put it in my fridge! My most sacred place!"

That comment earned a slap on the back of the head for Tony. However, it didn't take Gibbs long to notice the crying girl in Tony's arms. He motioned to her with a nod.

"Boss... this is my daughter..."

Gibbs did show some surprise at this. "Ziva?"


Gibbs smirked.

"Her name's Tali and she's almost 3. And boss, I gotta stay with you tonight... ziva And Tali are being Hunted."

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