Meeting Tali

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Tony heard a cry. Not his own, surprisingly, although his eyes were overflowing with tears. He followed the sound to the side of the house.

When he got closer, he saw it. A bundle of blankets squirming. He walked over and moved a blanket cautiously. A little girl, about two years of age, sat up. He noticed at once that it was the girl in the photograph. This was Tali.

She looked at him and gasped, stopping all crying. She put her hands out and touched his face. "Abba!"

Tony's breath caught. Ziva had told tali about him. Shown her pictures. He was speechless. The only thing he could do was cry. He picked up Tali, and she openly welcomed him.

He held her close and kissed her head. They sat silently for a few moments. Then Tali wriggled away for a moment. She looked around and reached towards the vineyard.

"Ima," she cried. (Sorry for the spelling, but it's a Hebrew word and I speak English)

Tony looked where she pointed. He didn't understand. Ziva was dead. He shuddered at that thought, but quickly returned to the present time.

"I don't understand," he said. He doubted she did either. She's only spoken in Hebrew.

"Ima!" Tali whined again, "come back!"

This was different. Tony knew that Tali had seen something. He couldn't help but think that Ziva might be alive. But then again, there was that small thought in the back of his mind that his love was dead.

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