Chapter one

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Continuation of the title page


"What took you so long?? And weren't you wearing something else when you left??"

I pause to look at my 'sister' while I close the door and put down my things. "I was run over by some guy with a trench coat on my way home. Had to go back to the store to change." I take off my coat and boots, and she catches sight of my bandaged hand. 

"We really need to update your medical supplies. What's that, the fifth time this week? And it's only Wednesday!" 

I turn to fully face my best friend in all of the world. With a heart-shaped face, ice-blue eyes, and fiery red hair, she was spit-fire, though surprisingly shy, and knew nothing of her how beautiful she was. Doesn't stop her from being annoyingly cocky though, lording over my the fact that she was born a month earlier, and is two inches taller. Not much, right?? Doesn't stop her. I love her though. I have two real sisters, but she's the only one who has ever been there for me. 

A few months ago, we moved from the 'nicest country on earth' to the Lovely Land of the Brits, aka England. That's where all the great stories originate, isn't it? Either here or the U.S. And I have no desire to constantly remind people that, no, I've never lived in an igloo, and yes, I do know how to work modern technology and NO I have NEVER ridden on polar bear. (But you have to admit that last one would be TOTALLY awesome.) So, anyway, we moved here to get a fresh start. We share a two bedroom apartment in a small town just outside of London, and are working our way into convincing our landlord to let us get a dog. Krys has a cat already, Mr.Magoo, whom she adopted back in Maple Syrup Land, but he was raised with dogs around him, so we know it'd be fine. 

I laugh and hold up my injured hand. "And it STILL wouldn't be enough!" We laugh and I carry my backpack over to the couch, threatening Magoo with my eyes. I've almost sat on him before for taking up half the couch while Krys took the other, and he knows better than to stick around when I reach the seat and turn around. I've never seen a cat move fast than that one. (And I snicker every time I do. Don't get me wrong, I love the little shit, but think of me as Sheldon off of the BBT; you're in my spot, either you move, or move you. Plain and simple hehehe.) I pull out Krys's smokes, my gummy worms, her mint chocolate chip ice cream,  my rocky road and cookie dough, and set about our night for our movie marathon. 


Half way through P.S I Love You, Krys pipes up (and scaring the bejeezes out me. I mean, GERARD BUTLER!! Dude may be old, but I aint lookin away if he's on the screen. Just sayin) "So what his name?" 

Juggling my cavity-inducing snack, I grumble "What's whose name?" She pauses the movie, and turns to face me. "You know who I'm talking about!! Tall, Dark, and Clumsy!!" I chuckle. Of course she dubs him with same nickname I did. "His name's Reed Michaels." "Was he hot?"

I look at her with exasperation dripping off of me. "I didn't really notice. I was too focused on the hot beverage he dumped on me." But I'm caught. She saw my little smirk, and now she's on me like Mr. Magoo on Krys's feet. "He WAS wasn't he? Did you get his number?" "No." Well why the hell NOT??" I stop to look at her.

Back in Hockey Land, we both had had some trouble with men. As in, her ego kept getting blow after blow and she couldn't do anything about it, and I... Well let's just say, I got a better deal than she did, but not by much. So when we were finally granted our green card and were able to live here, we made a pact to be careful, and wait until we were completely settled in to do something rash, like, say, date the random hot guy that spills coffee all over you. So, for Krys to be pushing me like this, I know she's been thinking. 

"What's this really about, Krysy?" Her face goes blank, or at least, she tries to make it that way. But I know better. "What do you mean?" She asks. I level our gazes. "You know exactly what I mean. I thought we agreed; not until we're settled in." "We can't GET anymore settled in. Phil is almost caved over us getting your dog, we have steady jobs, what else could we do to settle in completely?" 

I shake my head. "Reed might've been cute, but I'm not going for it." She sees it on my face that this discussion is over, and play the movie again. But, for once, Gerard can't hold my attention. Because I've got another tall, dark hair fellow on my mind. And I have to figure out just how I'm gonna deal with it.

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