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The countdown started before Justin popped out of nowhere, glasses surround him and he began to sing Mark My Words. Something in his voice struck sadness and hurt. What we heard a while ago before the show started made me pee a little in my pants. The stadium became extremely quiet afterwards before Justin said in the microphone, "Sorry, guys. We are just playing Sims."

The fans screamed in joy and happiness, except me. I held onto Shane's hand tightly as I was petrified after what I just heard. I knew it was a cover up to let the fans believe him, but I knew too well it was a lie. Pity rushed over me as Shane smile over to my direction. Something in his smile told me that it was not a pity smile, but a mysterious one. Everyone stood up and started screaming in mixed emotions when he started singing.

"But I won't let me lose you, I won't let us just fade away." He sang with full emotions and his voice cracked a little, but he still continued writing on the glass door while singing his heart out. The words he wrote; it astonished me. I never knew he was insecure of everything.

"I don't deserve the love," were the words he wrote on the glass. My heart warmed by those words. He was insecure and denial of the love he receives every single day. Maybe, it wasn't the fact that he was most dangerous criminal, but he is also a human being.

He also owns a heart, maybe not the same as others, but that was made him so special. That was what had him so scarred. He could have been going through hell and none of us knew. Maybe, that was what made him the heartless person he was now.

I felt Shane's arm slightly touching me and I turned to look at him. His face held concern and something else, something...different. He brought his lips to my ears and immediately goosebumps rose on me. He said a little louder, "Can we go to the washroom backstage?"

I was surprised, but still nodded. I took my bag and walked out to backstage with Shane right behind my back. We walked into the hallway in silence. Maybe, thoughts were clouding his head as well. I was mentally preparing for something that shouldn't happen that night. Unfortunately, it wasn't my luck. Who was I kidding? It was never my luck.

The lights in the hallway went out and my breathing rose suddenly. I stopped dead in my tracks and called out for Shane. "Shane?" I was hoping he'd reply, but in a swift movement, my body was being pushed roughly to my right. And then, I heard a door shut close loudly.

I shrieked out loud but it was my voice that echoed in the room. "Shane!" I cried out loud as my tears streamed on my cheeks. A pair of large hands pushed me to what it was a chair and brought both of my hands harshly to the back of the wooden chair. It felt like a rope that had rugged and rough surface being tied around both my hands together.

I struggled and kept screaming out for help, and I started becoming tired. The room was dead quiet and only the breathing of the man who was tying me to the chair could be heard along with my whimpers.

"Stop," I wailed full of sorrow to that person. He stopped his actions for a bit and his breathing became a little irregular before he continued tying my hands tightly.

What is happening? I thought to myself, before lumping my body tiredly on the chair and dozed off.

Sorry for the late, babies.

23rd of April, 2017.

Accidental Text || Jason McCann ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now